While the people thought it to be like every other shonen anime around the corner, Yūki Tabata’s Black Clover has been distinguishing itself since the beginning of Elf Resurrection arc. Recently, the manga is following the events of Spade Kingdom arc as the Dante, and the rest of the Dark Triad travel to Clover & […]
Due to the ill-pacing of the anime, it had come too close to the latest chapter of the manga. Hence we saw a month’s worth of filler episodes. However, it looks like the anime is ready to step into the next arc. Both episodes 126 and 127 dealt with the information about devils & their […]
With the commencement of the year 2020, a new light-hearted comedy anime was released, “Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!” – a series about three friends who were able to make their dreams come true. The three friends have embarked upon a journey to become anime content creators. Basically, this series is a love letter to […]
As a child, everyone one of us picked up a stick and held it as a sword acting like a samurai because they looked cool to us, didn’t they? Samurai were pre-modern Japan’s aristocrat warriors who rose to power in the 12th century and became the highest-ranking social caste of the Edo Period (1603-1867) and […]
Konosuba is a story about a NEET reincarnating in a real fantasy world after dying pathetically. He makes a grave mistake by bringing along Aqua, whom he thinks to be powerful being a goddess. This series will endlessly entertain you with the stupidity and lewdness of the characters. There are quite a few stories that resemble […]
Every time we come across the word “Protagonist,” the first thing that comes into our mind is a hero who will save the world. But that’s not the case for every one of them. Some of the protagonists have their perspective on the world, and they try to become the “hero of that world,” which […]
While Yuki Tabata’s Black Clover manga seemed like your every day Shonen, it started distinguishing itself prior to the Elf Resurrection arc. Currently, the manga is in the Spade Kingdom arc, dealing with the concept and mystery of the devils and the Underworld. Dante — the leader of the Dark Triad, began his quest for the Arcane […]
Black Clover is the story of Asta, a magicless kid in a magical world and his rival Yuno, the childhood prodigy, both aiming to become the next Wizard King. After becoming Magic Knights of the Clover Kingdom, Asta joined the supposedly weakest and lowest of all squads — Black Bulls. However, since Asta and Noelle’s […]
There is absolutely nothing in this world that food cannot bring together. Food is the way to someone’s heart, and that’s a fact anime justifies very well. If you are someone who lives for food, anime can satisfy your appetite for sure. Food in anime is much more visually appealing than in reality and will […]
While the people thought it to be like every other shonen anime around the corner, Yūki Tabata’s Black Clover has been distinguishing itself since the beginning of Elf Resurrection arc. Recently, the manga is following the events of Spade Kingdom arc as the Dante, and the rest of the Dark Triad travel to Clover & […]
Tanjiro’s journey to cure his sister after Muzan converted her into a demon made him join paths alongside the Demon Slayer Corps. After long and persistent efforts from everyone involved, Muzan was finally defeated in chapter 200 of the series, titled “Millenia Dawn”. With Nezuko cured, and Muzan dead, it seemed as if the Demon […]
Cells at Work is a comedy anime series which is based on a manga by the same name. Written and illustrated by Akane Shinizu, the manga series first got published in January 2015 and new volumes are published even to this day. An animation studio named ‘David Production’ decided to adapt the manga into an […]