My Hero Academia: Vigilantes is a spin-off series based on My Hero Academia. The series is written by Hideyuki Furuhashi and illustrated by Betten Court. Recently, the spin-off has been gaining a lot of attention, and the reason is apparent. The latest arc of the series explores the mysterious past of Shota Aizawa before he […]
Disney fans all over the world were waiting for online streaming service Disney+, and it finally launched on 12th November. It is no secret that Disney is trying to take on Netflix with its streaming service and this has worked as an advantage for fans, who are happy to get something new from Disney. Especially […]
Otaku USA Magazine recently interviewed the well-versed anime producer, Temuri Niishi. She is currently working on JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Diamond is Unbreakable. When asked about the increasing western competition, she seemed carefree. According to her, the new Western studios diving into the anime world have not affected sales here as much: “We have not felt the […]
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure has made a mark on fans’ hearts since its release and has left many fans aching for more after its finale. This already-very-popular anime hit its peak popularity with the release of the Golden Wind. Looks like the creators behind the show are coming back with a treat for the fans. There […]
With an expanding universe in My Hero Academia, many new characters have been introduced. However, we have yet to get details on many existing characters. This has lead to fan theories regarding some characters, and one of the more prominent ones is Dabi’s true identity. Initially introduced after the death of Hero Killer: Stain, Dabi […]
Titans Renewed For Season 3 On DC Universe
The second season of Titans is racing towards the end and it’s time to wonder about the future of the series. The DC gods have spoken and we are officially getting a third season of this young superhero show. DC Universe and Warner Bros Television announced today that Titans season 3 is officially happening, with the renewal coming alongside […]
The Pokemon franchise as we all know has been something of a blockbuster since its early release in 1997. With the finale of the Sun and Moon season, Pokemon announced that the new anime would be a fun reboot. Ash will be going back to his origins and starting the new journey with all the […]
Pokemon, also known as Pocket Monsters is based on creatures called Pokemon, which humans – known as Pokemon Trainers – catch and train to battle each other for sport. Currently, Pokemon is finishing up another series titled Pokemon: Sun & Moon. The series featured Ashe’s first win in a tournament so far in the series. […]
The Reincarnation arc has shown some notable fight scenes so far. Asta and the other Royal Knights are presently showing off some serious skills while going head to head against their foes. Due to the increased fight power of recent enemies, the Royal Knights realize they need to step up their game too. Quick Answer […]
My Hero Academia’s Season 4, has been a massive hit across the board for the English viewers of the show. After a long wait, viewers of the English dubbed version of the show can rejoice as Toonami has officially debuted new episodes of the series. The fourth season of the show kicks off one of […]
SET SAIL!! Oceanime Cruises is launching an anime-themed cruise next year!! A cruise that is tailoerd for Otakus around the globe, the ship is set to sail from April 23rd to April 26th, 2020. No details regarding the exact theme or rides of the ship have been disclosed so far. However, a big part of […]
Boruto, the successor of the very famous Naruto Shippuden anime recently has got a great amount of attention. Both old and new fans enjoyed the time travel arc as the characters take a time travel journey all the way back to Jiraya’s time. The iconic scene which all Boruto fans dreamt of seeing – young […]