The My Hero Academia anime recently saw Midoriya, Bakugou, and Todoroki interning at Endeavour’s Agency. While focussing on the main trio is good, sometimes other characters need some love too. Unlike some other shounen, My Hero Academia is known for its lack of filler episodes throughout its run.
David Schwimmer has come under fire for his alleged claims against Katie (the female capuchin who played Marcel the Monkey), his animal co-star on Friends. Katie’s trainer Mike Morris has finally broken his silence, saying that the statements were not only false, but also “despicable.” Marcel’s […]
League of Villains is about to get some serious competition. Be prepared for some serious tone shifts as My Hero Academia anime goes into the Meta Liberation Army arc. Manga readers were surprised when the anime decided to adapt the Endeavor Agency arc before the Meta Liberation Army arc.
Did you really think 2021 would go through without anything SAO? While there isn’t a new season this year, Sword Art Online Progressive: Aria of a Starless Night movie will be a blast from the past that you’ll be happy about. Whatever your thoughts on Sword Art Online might be, there is no[…]
Fans have to wait a little but longer for the upcoming Downton Abbey sequel. Downton Abbey 2, which was originally set to release in theatres on December 22, 2021, is now being pushed to March 18, 2022. As reported by Deadline, Focus Features is pushing the North American release of Downton Abbey[…]
A duo of a war veteran nicknamed the ‘immortal’ and a tribal girl with sharp hunting skills is formidable. Satoru Noda’s Golden Kamuy brings you a tale of such a pair trying to find a treasure that can change their lives. Saichi Sugimoto has only one concern in his life: a promise made […]
Prepare to say goodbye to the jumpy high-energy music in Boruto anime. As the show takes a bleak turn, the vibe must be complemented with appropriate music. The Boruto anime has featured big artists like KANA-BOON and Ikkimonogatari. Given how big the show is, the caliber of the artists […]
At long last, your favorite and most anticipated shows are coming to TV. Today FX announced, via Tweets, the 2021 premiere dates for American Horror Story: Double Feature, American Horror Stories, Impeachment: American Crime Story, What We Do in the Shadows, Y: The Last Man, and more. First, the […]
Jujutsu Kaisen is long past needing an introduction. You have to be living under a rock not to have heard of this series. After a super-hit anime adaptation, the manga is here to give us an immersive experience of the Shibuya arc! The Shibuya Incident is the biggest arc in Jujutsu Kaisen yet.
Nothing can beat the Fate/Grand Order franchise when it comes to fantasy. Be it a game, manga, anime, or film, the Fate series rules all the domains! The franchise has several manga series, and it all started with its first manga series called the Fate/Grand Order – mortalis:stella. It is based[…]
The latest One Piece arc was one of the most unforgettable tales ever told in the legendary shonen anime. Not only did we get the much-wanted exposition to Roger’s travels, but we also saw the Land of Wano! The animators filled the Wano arc with the fantastic narrative of Oden’s struggle[…]
If you haven’t watched Kaguya-sama: Love is War yet, then you’re seriously missing out on one of the most epic romances ever! Kaguya and Shirogane’s love story is not just a cute and wholesome romance but a fierce battle of wits. And the one who loses this battle will suffer for eternity[…]