Black Clover, an anime often termed as the “new Naruto,” is a series that revolves around magical battles, great action, stunning animation, and an amazing ensemble cast. The anime is ongoing with 3 seasons and is currently on an anime-exclusive arc. There are 9 filler episodes in total, and the […]
: I don’t know about you, but I’ve grown weary of elemental powers. We’ve all seen powers like fire, ice, water, wind, and lightning over and over, and frankly, they’ve gotten rather dull and repetitive. Unorthodox powers like space-time or gravity manipulation make everything so much more interesting[…]
In Episode 215, titled ‘Prepared,’ Isshiki Otsutsuki finally entered the Leaf village in search of Kawaki. By the time he reached there, Ino had managed to evacuate the civilians. On the other hand, Naruto and Amado hid Kawaki in an underground facility so that Isshiki would not be able to find[…]
In Chapter 61, Kawaki somehow managed to sneak past the sensory unit watcher by tricking him with a shadow clone. It seems that even the Yamanaka clan’s highly secure barrier couldn’t see through his chakra nullification technique. As you can expect, Code won’t let this opportunity slip past his […]
The Digimon franchise recently caused an uproar in its fandom when they announced its upcoming anime series Digimon Ghost Game. Honestly, just the title was enough to get us all excited and cook up fan theories. The anime was announced in August with a key visual alongside another Digimon[…]
Lightning has always been terrifying, in nature as well as in anime. In real life, lightning is almost always fatal. It’s quite thrilling to imagine having the ability to manipulate sometime as powerful and volatile as lightning. In anime, regardless of the show, characters with lightning abilities are super-fast and super-strong on the whole […]
In Episode 214, titled ‘Predestined Fate,’ Amado revealed some more secrets about Isshiki Otsutsuki. Although nothing more was revealed, we also learned that Koji is related to Jiraiya. The highlight of the episode was when Kawaki fainted when his karma disappeared after Jigen died in[…]
Tesla Note is an upcoming spy action anime series adapted from a manga with the same name written by Masafumi Nishida, the creator of the popular “Tiger and Bunny” anime. Tadayoshi Kubo and Kouta Sannomiya are helping him. The manga is fairly new, beginning only in early 2021. The anime coming […]
The debate over which element is stronger is as old as time. It’s hard to beat the popularity of the fire power, because, well, there’s nothing quite as badass as spitting flames. But if you think water isn’t as powerful as the other elements, I’m here to prove you wrong. Characters with water […]
On the surface, it seems like wind powers aren’t that impressive. What harm can a little gust of wind do, right? Well, in truth, wind manipulation is very well on par with the other elemental powers. Don’t believe me? Anime logic aside, even in real life, tornadoes and storms are notorious[…]
As avid anime fans, we’ve all seen our fair share of elemental powers, including fire. You’ve got to admit, though, there’s never a dull moment with a fire user around. Pyromaniacs in anime are some of the most fun characters ever, and not to mention they always kick ass in the most epic ways. As a kid[…]
Ninjas have always been the symbol of discipline and hard work, but Kuro Kumogakure from the “Under Ninja” is everything but that. Mangaka Kengo Hanazawa’s tale of Kuro, the deadly combination of a NEET and a Ninja, is set in a world where ninjas still roam the streets waiting to receive their[…]