The anime Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury previously revealed a teaser visual for the upcoming sequel, revealing the anime’s premiere date of April 9, and Studio Sunrise is producing Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury, which premiered in October 2022 and concluded its firs[…]
The long-running popular shonen series Boruto: Naruto Next Generations will finally take a break from the broadcast. The anime was a great mishmash of canon and original stories. Nevertheless, it was still fresh enough to keep Naruto fans engaged. On Thursday, the official website for the anime[…]
Boruto and Kawaki manage to finally meet Code in episode 290 of Boruto titled “Presence.” Constantly watched by a bodyguard, Kawaki finally finds a way to erase his chakra signature and shake his tail; once he leaves the village outskirts, he runs into a familiar face as Code immediately […]
After Buddy Daddies and Technoroid: Overmind, prepare yourselves for another original anime series. And this one promises to be as action-packed as the currently ongoing shonen anime. A new hero team that fights with strange creatures wearing hard hats and harem pants will arrive this spring. On[…]
Kage battles are always a hot topic among Naruto fans, and the debate never seems to end. So, let’s stir up some excitement and settle the score once and for all – which set of 5 Kage would come out on top? We have the current generation’s finest Kage from the Boruto era, including Gaara, Kurotsuchi, Chojuro, Darui, and Naruto […]
It’s no secret that some die-hard Naruto fans hate Boruto. A huge reason for this, apart from the fact that it can never measure to the original, is the power-scaling. Apart from the fact that it takes a good deal of mental gymnastics to fathom the troubling power structure in Boruto, the cycle […]
Eida clarifies her abilities to Code in episode 288 of Boruto titled “Captive Slaves.” With the escape of Eida, Code immediately falls for her and realizes that someone of her ability may be both a huge threat and a huge advantage. Unfortunately, the power he was searching for. for is not[…]
The story of a boy’s complete transformation from an isekai experience is soon to make its way to television. I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in the Real World, Too anime series is only a month away from its premiere. On Sunday, Kadokawa released the promotional video for[…]
A lot of anime series are getting postponed and halting their premiere because of the new COVID–19 outbreak. But this is definitely one of the most devastating news that has arrived. The long-awaited Black Clover film will also arrive at a later date than was planned to be released. On Thursday[…]
Code returns as the village begins taking measures in episode 287 of Boruto titled “Claw Marks.” As traces of Claw Marks start showing up around the town, it is investigated that Code is likely back and going to target some of the Leaf’s most substantial soon. However, before taking them on […]
Ruri gets extremely hungry in episode 63 of Digimon Ghost Game titled “Gluttony.” The episode made me feel hungry. The amount of food Ruri ate in this episode made me anxious. She was not the only one who was feeling so hungry as there were a lot of people affected by Quartzmon’s attack[…]
The second season of The Ancient Magus’ Bride is arriving this April and will further unfold the mysteries, the relationship between Elias and Chise, and what Ashen Eye plans to do next. The story is a unique combination of action and romantic fantasy that will make you want more. On Thursday, the[…]