In the world of Dragon Ball Super, prisoner Moro has escaped and plans to destroy planet Earth soon. To counter him, Goku and Vegeta are training day and night to save Earth. In the latest Chapter 56, titled “Warriors of Earth Assemble,” battle between earthly forces and the prisoner-force of Moro has begun. The previous […]
Dragon Ball Super is currently in the middle of the Galactic Prisoner Arc. The escaped prisoner and the central antagonist, Planet-eater Moro, has decided to wait for a few months before destroying Earth. On the other hand, our two favorite saiyajins, Goku, and Vegeta are training tirelessly to defeat Moro and save the universe from his evil-doings. […]
After receiving an overwhelmingly positive response on Dragon Ball Fighter Z game last year, Bandai Namco released Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot this year and instead of focusing everything on fights, this game was a semi-open world action-RPG going through Goku’s life. The game had hit markets on 17th January, and the new game also introduced […]
Dragon Ball Heroes just wrapped up their Universal Conflict arc with the 19th episode of the series, titled “Ultimate Conclusion! The Universal Conflict Ends!”. After using a lot of Ki and some elbow grease, Goku and Vegeta fused to bring back Gogeta, and this form was able to take down Hearts, the antagonist for the […]
Dragon Ball Heroes just wrapped up their Universal Conflict arc with the 19th episode of the series, titled “Ultimate Conclusion! The Universal Conflict Ends!”. After using a lot of Ki and some elbow grease, Goku and Vegeta fused to bring back Gogeta, and this form was able to take down Hearts, the antagonist for the […]
Black Clover has recently revamped their theme songs with episode 116 and with the introduction of Devil, things are taking a serious turn in the Clover Kingdom. Captain Nozel has joined the battle against Dark Patolli to aid Asta and Yuno who were previously struggling to fight with the dark elf and it looks like […]
My Hero Academia is halfway through its fourth season, and the Shie Hassaikai arc is quickly reaching its conclusion. The final battle between Overhaul, the leader of the Yakuza, and Izuku, the most recent vessel for One for All, has been highly anticipated by fans of the show since its release in the manga. Episode 76 […]
Maesetsu!: Opening Act is an upcoming original Japanese anime television series co-animated by Studio Gokumi and AXsiZ. It is expected to premiere in 2020. It’s official website recently released a trailer to get the audience hyped for its release. A new visual was previously released in late December. Staff Directed – Yuu Nobuta Written by […]
Dragon Ball Super follows the adventures of Goku and Vegeta as they face galaxy-wide threats and meet the gods of the universe! In the latest arc, ‘Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga’, Goku and Vegeta are currently training to beat the planet-eater Moro. While the question, ‘Will Goku and Vegeta be able to beat Moro’s magic?’, is the most […]
Dragon Ball Z released the Dragon Ball Fighter Z game last year, and the game got great reviews around the board. This year, Bandai Namco is releasing another Dragon Ball game, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. Instead of focusing everything on fights, this game is a semi-open world action-RPG going through Goku’s life. RELEASE DATE: Dragon […]
The Jump Festa 2020 convention is taking place on December 21st and 22nd in Japan. A new list of panels has gone out, which include one for Dragon Ball. Dragon Ball Super’s anime ended on a cliffhanger, and fans have been waiting to know what happens next. The inclusion of a Dragon Ball panel may […]
Dragon Ball Super’s anime recently ended after the Tournament of Power; however, the manga is still putting out new chapters. At the moment, DBS Manga is continuing the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Arc, with the antagonist “Moro”, The World Eater. Chapter 54, titled “Son Gohan Vs Seven-Three”, confirmed Moro’s plan to let the Earthlings train. The world eater has […]