Dragon Ball Super continues the story of Dragon Ball Z after Goku defeats Majin Boo. The latest chapter 61 is a continuation of the Galaxy Patrol Prisoner Saga with Moro as the antagonist. Just as Moro has defeated Goku, Vegeta appears along with a super power-up. In chapter 61, Vegeta charges at Moro while incessantly […]
Time Travel is the genre that intrigues a large chunk of the audience from a child to a man in his fifties. Known for its Science Fictional aspects and complexions around the story, anything related to Time Travel becomes the talk of the town as soon it releases. In anime, Time Travel is not bound […]
The anime Inuyasha has etched itself into the consciousness of many weaboos and otakus and has become one of the most-watched animes of the 21st Century. With a total of approximately 200 episodes, 4 films, video games and a tonne of merchandise, it is not hard to fathom the popularity that it enjoys in Japan. […]
Dragon Ball Super manga is currently in the middle of the Moro arc.The much-awaited battle between the wizard whom even the gods feared, Planet-eater Moro, and the Saiyan who reached acquired the technique of the gods, Son Goku, has begun! After a tiring training with Merus, Goku arrived on Earth with a BANG in chapter 59 last to last month. […]
“Not really a demon; not really human. I’m not either. That’s That’s all. There was no place for me, so I had to find one myself. And then I realized. I had a place, but I was the only one in it. I didn’t know any other way to live.” Inuyasha This famous dialogue by […]
Back in July 2019 at Anime Expo LA, an original anime series named ‘Gibiate’ was announced by a group of legendary creators from the Game, Manga, and Anime genre in Japan. The group constituting the likes of Yoshitaka Amano, Naoki Serizawa, and Yuzo Koshiro proclaimed that the series would be released somewhere in Summer 2020. […]
Assassination Classroom is a story about a group of students who were assigned a mission to assassinate their teacher Koro-sensei. He is actually a mysterious octopus-like creature responsible for destroying a part of the moon and has warned everyone of the earth’s destruction if not dealt with soon. This story portrays the role of a […]
The Capcom Pro Tour is undoubtedly one of the most significant e-sport events. Since 2014, this yearly event has attracted the attention of fighting game enthusiasts all over the world. Unfortunately, this year, the Capcom Pro Tour events were shifted to an online mode as large-scale social gatherings are prohibited. Doubling up on the delays, […]
Dragon Ball is an anime that has been widely disseminated across every nook and corner of the globe. It has vastly contributed to making Japanese culture and manga intensely popular in other parts of the world. It is the first anime in the vast Dragon Ball franchise, which consists of anime sequels like Dragon Ball […]
Inuyasha is one of the classics in the manga and anime world. Its art style brings out the nostalgic feel of the 90’s manga. The Inuyasha anime is getting a spinoff after almost 20 years, and some character sketches have just been revealed. Yashahime: Princess Half Demon is the anime spinoff to Inuyasha. The spinoff characters are half-demon […]
Every manga or anime fan loves playing RPG games, which help them walk in the shoes of their favorite characters. Mobile RPG games based on manga or anime are gaining popularity because of this very reason. The mobile RPG game Dragon Ball Legends, which has a card-based battle mechanic, recently turned 2 years old. It […]
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba saw a migration of its anime fan base to its manga fandom because of its promising enterprise. This increased the sales of the manga exponentially and even broke One Piece’s long-time record. All these high expectations, unfortunately, culminated into a polarized opinion regarding its end. The time skip at the […]