Death Mount Death Play is a criminally underrated anime that has taken us on a bizarre yet intriguing journey of Corpse God. This excellent anime falls under the isekai genre but takes a different approach, which has attracted a loyal fanbase. The first cour of the anime aired in April. Before the[…]
The previously announced ‘Tokyo Revengers: Tenjiku Arc’ anime has created big waves in the anime community. With Takemichi deciding not to time travel again until he and Mikey were in control of Toman, fans were left wanting for more when season 2 ended. As the premiere of the new season[…]
Miyoshi comes in for a consultation in episode 8 of The Gene of AI titled “Confession.” With the arrival of Valentine’s Day, Risa decides to bake a chocolate cake specially for Hikaru. Although her baking skills are subpar, he appreciates the love and effort she put into it and thanks her.[…]
‘The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic’ is an exciting story of a trio who are taken into a different world as heroes. The kingdom hopes these heroes save them from the demon king and his army. However, Usato, our protagonist, is dragged along as the third wheel and is deemed not to have the “hero”[…]
Villainess trope has become popular in all the media. There are a multitude of manga and manhwa which feature the main character reincarnating into villainess. As the title indicates, she reincarnates six times and acquires various skills. In her seventh lifetime, she decides to settle down, but[…]
Shin and Kyoukai go to their hometown to attend Bihei’s marriage in chapter 767 of Kingdom. A wholesome chapter filled with joy and celebration. Shin, Kyoukai, and Kyou Rei enjoy Bihei’s wedding with all the villagers. Everyone wore beautiful outfits and enjoyed this special day. Shin reunited[…]
Satoshi Mizukami is a mangaka with tons of acclaimed cult hits. He is well known for his bizarre and unique story style. Sengoku Youko is one of the most beloved manga by this author.Sengoku Youko is getting adapted into an anime, and fans are excited. The story of this manga is refreshing, and an[…]
Ri Shi laments Kan Pishi’s death as Qin deals with this loss in chapter 766 of Kingdom. It was a nicely done chapter dealing with the aftermath of the death of the biggest legalist in China. The news was shocking and saddening enough, but it looks like everyone got back from it in a short time[…]
Hayao Miyazaki is no less than a magician. After creating legendary blockbuster movies like Howl’s Moving Castle, Spirited Away, and Princess Mononoke, he is now back with a new sensation.”The Boy and Heron” was a movie shrouded in so much mystery there was no information on the plot line, nor was[…]
Undead Murder Farce,’ a new Crunchyroll anime series, may have a wordy title, but don’t be fooled: this comedy fantasy murder mystery series has managed to preserve the core of the traditional mystery plot while being hilarious. The series is set in a world similar to our own, but it is also[…]
Season 2 of ‘Jujutsu Kaisen’ has already begun, and it is already blowing season 1 out of the water. Jujutsu Kaisen, with its spectacular visuals and directing, was one of the most popular anime from 2020 to 2021. Following the premiere of season 2, it is reasonable to declare that ‘Jujutsu[…]
The ‘Pole Princess!!’ the project, which shows the beautiful world of pole dancing with an original anime on YouTube, is making its way to the big screen. Following the anime’s December debut, it was reported that a theatrical anime feature is in the works, with a winter 2023 release date alr[…]