Sakamoto Days Chapter 100 Release Date, Speculations, Read Online

Chapter 99 of Sakamoto Days, titled “That Day”, reveals the shocking backstory of Yotsumura, as he and Shishiba continue their fight.

Eight yers ago, Yotsumura introduces Shishiba to his wife, Shino, and son, Amane. He tells him of the conspiracy that has been going on within the high ranks of JAA to kill the chief and asks him to look after his family if something happens to him.

Yotsumura faces an astonishing betrayal as Shino reveals her whole plan to him while holding Amane hostage. To save his son, Yotsumura kills his wife.

Here are the latest updates.

Chapter 100 Speculation

We now know the reason behind Yotsumura killing his wife in front of his son. With Amane waking up right after everything went down, he will definitely misunderstand the situation which will give rise to his hatred for his father.

Yotsumura will not want his young son to learn the horrifying truth about his mother and how he was, more or less, a pawn in her plan, so he will hide the truth.

We will also probably get to know how exactly Amane met Kashima and Slur. Yotsumura and Shishiba’s fight will also be seeing its conclusion.

Sakamoto Days Chapter 100 Release Date, Speculations, Read Online
Amane waking up after Yotsumura kills Shino | Source: Manga Plus

Chapter 100 Release Date

Chapter 100 of the Sakamoto Days manga has been released on Sunday, Dec 18, 2022. The chapter title has not been leaked yet.

1. Is chapter 100 of Sakamoto Days on break this week?

No, chapter 100 of Sakamoto Days is not on a break this week. No delay has been announced so far, and the new chapter will be released on the above-mentioned date.

Recap of Chapter 99

As Shishiba and Yotsumura continue their fight, Yotumura remarks how he is still using a hammer as his weapon, to which he replies he likes simple things. Yotsumura remembers the time eight years ago when Shishiba visited his house to meet his family.

Sakamoto Days Chapter 100 Release Date, Speculations, Read Online
Shishiba & Yotsumura, eight years ago | Source: Manga Plus

Shishiba is amazed by the fact that Yotsumura has a family despite his line of work. He tells him he is ridiculous for having a kid when he is the JAA chief’s right-hand man. However, he is met with a surprise attack by Yotsumura’s wife, Shino, who tells him it is fine since she is a pro-assassin too.

While driving Shishiba back home, Yotsumura tells him about how he worked hard to woo his wife in response to Shishiba’s cynical remarks. He also asks him to look after his family if anything happens to him. Shishiba tells him he will probably be dead as well if anything happens to him.

Yotsumura, however, denies and tells him of the conspiracy growing amongst the JAA high ranks about assassinating the chief. The chief has ordered him to find and kill all perpetrators.e

Sakamoto Days Chapter 100 Release Date, Speculations, Read Online
Amane showing off his skills | Source: Manga Plus

Yotsumura gets a cryptic message informing him about an assassination plot of the chief at JAA HQ, ordering him to kill all the conspirators and stop the plot.

After reaching home, he tells Shino he won’t be needing dinner, and Shino complains about being the only one having to stay at home. Yotsumura promises he will take some time off after his job.

Yotsumura gifts a three-section staff to Amane. Amane shows off his mastery over the weapon and tells him he is already over it and now wants the four-section staff. Shino tells him Amane admires him and has been practicing every day. She notices Yotsumura’s cryptic message.

Sakamoto Days Chapter 100 Release Date, Speculations, Read Online
Shino taking Amane as her hostage | Source: Manga Plus

Yotsumura is about to leave, but he is shocked to find his wife holding a knife at a seemingly unconscious Amane’s throat. She tells him not to take this mission or else she will kill him.

Yotsumura is unable to comprehend the situation in front of him and tells her to stop joking. Shino reveals that she works for the perpetrators Yotsumura was going after.

Since he is the chief’s right hand, they wanted leverage over him. Yotsumura asks Shino why they didn’t just kill him from the start. Shino tells him he was too skillful and the reason she married him and had his child was so she can get this chance. She gleefully tells him that she is grateful that she can finally serve her purpose.

Sakamoto Days Chapter 100 Release Date, Speculations, Read Online
Yotsumura killing Shino | Source: Manga Plus

Yotsumura sighs and remarks people underestimate fathers too much. As Shino threatens him with Amane as her hostage, Yotsumura quickly slits her throat. Amane opens his eyes.

Where to read Sakamoto Days?

About Sakamoto Days

“Sakamoto Days” is a comedy-action manga by Yuto Suzuki published in Weekly Shonen Jump. The author is already known for two successful one-shots, Garaku and Locker Room.

The first chapter of this manga series was released on November 21, 2020. The story follows the Ultimate Assassin, Taro Sakamoto, who shifts to a much more peaceful lifestyle after falling in love with a convenience store owner.

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