Roblox: Anime Shadow Codes (February 2025)

Anime Shadow is an adventure RPG Roblox experience with a host of anime characters with whom you can travel the Shadow world and carve out legends. Players must get the best characters and equip them with the best items to be formidable in Anime Shadow.

Fortunately, like in other Roblox experiences, in Anime Shadow, you can redeem codes that greatly speed up your progress and allow you to claim various rewards.

1. All Working Anime Shadow Codes – Roblox December 2024

Anime Shadow Codes | Source: In-game screenshot
  • HAPPY2025 – 150 Tickets
  • NEYMARLOL – 10x Cursed Plasma, 10x Passive Capsule, 10x Green Essence, 10x Gray Essence, 10x Trial Shard
  • UPDATECRAFT – 80 Tickets
  • TITLESUPDATE – 100 Tickets, 1x Shiny Potion
  • CLOVERUPDATE – 100 Tickets, 15x Grimoire Tokens
  • PATCHXMAS – Resources
  • DELAYXMAS – 80 Tickets, 10x Aura Shard
  • AURAUPDATE – 90 Tickets, 25x Aura Shard
  • XMASUPD2 – 105 Tickets, 2.5x Coins Potion, 2.5x Damage Potion, 2.5x Exp Potion, Shiny Xmas Potion
  • SRRYXMAS2 – 100 Tickets
  • SRRYDELAYXMAS – 50 Tickets
  • 10MVISITS – 100 Tickets, 20x Talent Shards, 20x Gingerbread Man, 20x Candy Cane
  • DELAY – 150 Tickets, 20x Talent Shard, 20x Gingerbread Man
  • XMASMINIUPD – 150 Tickets, 20x Talent Shard, 20x Gingerbread Man
  • ULTSFIXED – 100 Tickets, 2x Raid Key, 2x Defense Key
  • FIXEDSTARS – 200x Passive Capsule, 200x Cursed Plasma, 2x Raid Key
  • ESTEVAOP2WBAN? – 100 Tickets, 2x Dragon Ball VII
  • FIXEDCODE – 3x Raid Key, 2x Shiny Potion
  • GHOULUPDATE – 100 Tickets, 2x Shiny Potion
  • 40KLIKES – 100 Tickets, 4x Fish Coin, 3x Raid Key
  • BUFFBOROS – 4x Dragon Ball VII, 2x Dragon Ball VI
  • PUNCHUPDATE – 150 Tickets, 2x Dragon Ball VII, 2x Coins Potion, 2x Damage Potion, 1x Dragon Ball VI
  • QuestFix – 150 Tickets, 2x Dragon Ball VII, 1x Dragon Ball VI
  • Release – 150 Tickets
  • 1MVISITS – 75 Tickets
  • KaisenUpdate – 7 Cursed Plasma, 2x Coin Potion, 2x Damage Potion
  • 15KACTIVES – 150 Tickets
  • KaisenDelay – 7 Cursed Plasma, 2x Coin Potion, 2x Damage Potion
  • MOBILEFIX – 200 Tickets
  • 30KLIKES – 75 Passive Capsules, 75 Tickets, 2x Coin Potion, 2x Damage Potion
  • FISHUPDATE – 150 Tickets, 7 Cursed Plasma, 2x Coin Potion, 2x Damage Potion

2. Expired Anime Shadow Codes

There are no expired codes in Anime Shadow, as it is a relatively new Roblox experience. But players must remember that these codes can expire anytime, so make haste and redeem them immediately.

The items and rewards for the codes are a must-have if you are a serious gamer and want the best development. On the flip side, these are freebies, so even casual gamers can use them to speed up their gameplay.

3. How to Redeem Codes for Anime Shadow?

Redeem Section Anime Shadow | Source: In-game screenshot

Redeeming codes in Roblox is usually done similarly; if you are unfamiliar with the redemption process, it is fairly simple.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to redeem codes in Anime Shadow.

  • Launch Anime Shadow on Roblox.
  • Look to the bottom left corner of your screen. You will see a hamburger button. Click on it.
  • A panel with multiple options opens up. The third one will have ‘ABX’ on it. Click on that button.
  • This will open the redemption menu.
  • You will see an empty field in which you need to enter the active codes.
  • Click on the blue Redeem button to submit, and the reward request will be placed successfully.

If the code is active and is redeemed for the first time- you will see ‘Successfullt Redeemed’ on your screen. The rewards will appear in your account’s inventory.

All working Skillful Redeem Codes -Roblox (Updated October 28, 2024)

4. About Roblox

Roblox is a popular online game platform which lets players create their own games and play games made by other users. It is developed by Roblox Corporation and is available on Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Android, iOS, Fire OS, and Mac.

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