Co-creator and star of Netflix’s Rick and Morty Justin Roiland is now facing seven years of jail time if found guilty of the domestic violence charges filed against him in Orange County. The voice actor first met these charges after an anonymous Jane Doe filed the charges in May 2020 and is now awaiting trial.
NBC News first reported the case, and according to their report, the incident occurred in January 2020. Roiland pledged innocence in 2020 and is awaiting trial, but his lawyer expects the case to be dismissed since his client is innocent.
The semi-sealed case went viral this week, revealing Roiland was accused of one count of domestic battery with corporal injury and another felony count of false imprisonment by menace, violence, fraud/deceit.

The Jane Doe in question was dating Justin at the time of the incident, and after she filed the case with Orange County, California, Roiland appeared in several pre-trial hearings. According to Orange County records, the lawsuit was filed in May 2020, and Roiland was even arrested in August of the same year but received bail for $50000.
An anonymous civilian filed a protective order against Rick and Morty’s co-creator in October 2020, which states Roiland must not harass or come within 100 meters of the party who put the order in. The order also states that Roiland turns over all firearms he owns or possesses, but we do not know the party’s identity that filed the charge.
Neither Roiland’s agency UTA nor WBD have dropped a comment on the stories piling all over the internet after the case went public.

No trial date has yet been fixed, and no comments have come forth from the accusing party while Roiland’s court representatives adamantly profess his innocence. Stay tuned for more on this subject.
About Rick and Morty
Rick and Morty is an adult animation series on Adult Swim. It has been created by Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland.
The series revolves around a cynical older scientist named Rick Sanchez and his young grandson, Morty Smith. Their simple domestic life and eccentric intergalactic adventures are the focuses of the show.
Alongside the original television series, the show’s characters have been featured in a variety of media, including spin-offs, comic books, musical releases, and video games.
Source: NBC News
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