Rick and Morty set up quite a finale with the last two episodes of Season 5. But what lies ahead? Here’s what we can expect from Season 6.
In 2018, AdultSwim renewed Rick and Morty for 70 episodes. In other words, we have a confirmed Season 6 and 7. In fact, show writer Alex Rubens even cheekily revealed that creative development for Season 7 is underway via a tweet.
This leads us to believe that Season 6 may come back by Summer 2022.
In the past, Rick and Morty have had delays that lead to a year and a half of hiatus between the seasons. But ideally, there shouldn’t be any roadblocks for the show to come back next year (or even earlier!).
Besides the obvious Rick and Morty, we’re sure to see Summer, Beth and Charlie in the new season. For the guest appearances, I’d love to see Jessica, Plant Nimbus, Bruce Cutback and President Curtis return.
In Season 5, we were teased about Rick and Morty breaking up. Given the nature of their relationship, this has been used as a running gag for the series. Episode 9 deals with the mess that each of them creates away from each other in their “broken-up” phase.

Episode 10 expands our understanding of why the grandfather-grandson duo can never break up. Once again, it’s because Rick has ensured that they won’t.
Multiverses exist in Rick and Morty as well which leads to the possibility that there are universes where Rick isn’t the smartest person on the planet. This, in turn, means that he wouldn’t be able to control Morty as he does in the other universes. The simplest solution is to block off Morty’s access to any of these “weak” Rick universes, so that Morty never knows this possibility is real.
But there is one Morty who knows the truth — Evil Morty (who, let’s admit it, we haven’t seen for a long, long while).
When Season 6 comes back, it does have a few things to answer: What will “real” Morty do with the information from Season 5’s finale? We know that whenever Rick wants to have the upper hand, he’ll go to any lengths to achieve it, even erasing his grandson’s memory… or, you know, blocking off other universes.
It will also be interesting to see how Rick deals with no longer having a portal gun that works, which is one of his favorite gadgets. In the past, whenever the gun was destroyed or replaced, it somehow found its way back to the show. So, the writers may do well to work that in. But it might do better to explore how Rick gets creative because of its absence.

Lastly, we have Evil Morty (or President Morty, if you will), who does not manage to convince “real” Morty of Rick’s motives. Morty refuses to escape with Evil Morty, so the latter simply goes off to a destination unknown to us.
Seeing Evil Morty is major fun on screen but since it is known that his main goal is to escape Rick, I doubt he will come back to a universe that has Rick in it… that is, he may not be a part of Season 6.
But even with all our predictions and calculations, the show will do what it does best — a chaotic storyline that doesn’t really believe in continuity. We will pick up the rest of our speculations when we’re fed a teaser for Season 6.
About Rick and Morty
Rick and Morty is an adult animation series on Adult Swim. It has been created by Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland.
The series revolves around a cynical older scientist named Rick Sanchez and his young grandson, Morty Smith. Their simple domestic life and eccentric intergalactic adventures are the focuses of the show.
Alongside the original television series, the show’s characters have been featured in a variety of media, including spin-offs, comic books, musical releases, and video games.
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