The new original anime series starts off strong with episode 1, titled “Once upon a Time in Nagasaki”. Raizo Kurima, a samurai, kills another samurai named Hirata, who also happens to be his fiancé’s father, on his master Matsumine’s orders for supposedly betraying him and sullying his hands in the opium trade.
However, he soon finds out that he was tricked by Matsumine who used him to kill Hirata on false charges.
Matsumine comes across Usui Yuen, a mysterious merchant, and his other employees who save him from Matsumine’s men and help him to get his revenge.
Here are the latest updates.
Episode 2 Speculation
Episode two is titled “Gold Opens Any Door”. Episode one introduced the main cast. As Raizo has seemingly lost everything now, including his fiancée, he won’t be able to kill himself and will probably be recruited by Usui to join his group.
Usui and his employees are shrouded in mystery and so far it is not clear who and what they work for. We may be getting more information on “The Chapel” and whom the group works for in the next episode. The first episode showed some stunning visuals and intriguing storytelling and the next episode is much awaited.
Episode 2 Release Date
Episode 2 of the Revenger anime, titled “Gold Opens Any Door”, has been released on Thursday, Jan 12, 2023.
1. Is episode 2 of Revenger on break this week?
No, episode 2 of Revenger is not on a break this week. No delay has been announced, and the episode will be released on the above-stated date.
Recap of Episode 1
The episode starts with a samurai named Hirata Genshin going off in the dead of night with two bodyguards. Suddenly they are attacked by another samurai named Raizo Kurima and Hirata recognizes him. Before dying, Hirata places a gold charm in his mouth which is retrieved by a mysterious stranger.
Raizo is sitting under a bridge and is approached by Usui Yuen, who introduces himself as an all-purpose merchant doing odd jobs. Raizo asks him what he wants and Usui replies that he has been hearing rumors about a very stern-looking samurai being in that area recently and so he was hired to inquire why he is there.
Raizo tells him that he killed someone on his master’s orders. Usui expressed his puzzlement as to why he is hiding if he committed a lawful act.
Raizo replies that the man he killed was someone close to him and even if he didn’t have a choice, he doesn’t know how to face those who knew him. Usui tells him that he is unlikely to find an answer lurking beneath a bridge.
Raizo thanks him for his advice and goes on his way. However, he is halted by Matsumine’s retainers who congratulate him on being loyal even when he had to slay his father-in-law.
Matsumine replies he was just doing his duty as Hirata indulged in the opium trade. Suddenly. Their demeanor changes and they point a gun at Raizo. He is surprised by this sudden betrayal.
Before he can react, he hears a voice telling him to jump into the river on the side if he wants to live. He jumps but not before being hit by a bullet in the shoulder. The men, thinking Raizo has no chance of being alive now since the river is in a deep trench, leave. Raizo is fetched out of the river by a girl.
He wakes up to find that his savior is Usui, who is working on a gold lacquer piece. He tells him that his father-in-law was falsely accused by Matsumine and it is Matsumine who is involved in the English Opium trade.
Hirata was actually gathering evidence against Matsumine in order to discover the truth and thus he ordered Raizo to kill him on false charges.
Raizo is distraught hearing the truth and asks Usui why he saved him. Usui asks if he is not bothered by the fact that Matsumine is maintaining his position, unharmed after everything. He reveals that he was hired by Hirata who told him to fulfill his mission if he dies. Usui asks Raizo to help infiltrate Satsuma, Matsumine’s place and he agrees.
Raizo feels bad about his fiance, Yui, and promises to take revenge. He helps Usui and his employees draw a map to infiltrate Matsumine’s castle but lies to them that there are no secret paths in it. Usui and his employees set off and tell Raizo to rest his injuries.
Meanwhile, Matsumine is celebrating with his retainers when his guards are stealthily taken out one by one by Usui’s groups. The employees use different methods to kill everyone and Usui himself uses a mysterious golden lacquerware cloth to kill one of them. He recites a prayer to Saint Mary before his enemies die.
The group soon founds out a secret path from Matsumine has escaped and realized they were tricked by Raizo. Raizo waits at the exit of the secret path and kills Matsumine.
Usui and his employees watch from the shadows and realize they were used by Raizo to smoke out the enemies so he can kill Matsumine himself. While one of them wonders how they will explain this to “The Chapel”, Nio, the girl, rings a bell.
Matsumine runs towards Yui’s house and in order to repent and atone for killing her beloved father, prepares to stab himself. However, he is shocked to see that his fiancée has already committed suicide.
Raizo cries as he holds her lifeless body in a pool of red.
About Revenger
Revenger is a new original anime by Nitroplus and Shochiku. It is about a swordsman who is out to fight the cruel people out there.
Not much about the plot and other details have been revealed yet. The hero’s tagline is “I cut down people in order to fight against a cruel fate.”
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