Rent a girlfriend is a romantic comedy and shoujo anime, which tells the story of Kazuya Kinoshita, who, after being dumped by his girlfriend Mami Nanami, tries to cure his depression and decides to use an online app to rent a girlfriend named Chizuru Mizuhara, a beautiful and attractive girl.
The story moves on as their lives become complicated and entangled with each other.
And we are here to provide you with the latest chapter updates of this fun-filled anime!
1. Episode 5 Title & Release Date
Episode 5 of the Rent a Girlfriend anime, titled “Hot Springs and Girlfriend.” It will be released on Friday, August 7, 2020.
In the next episode, Chizuru and Kazuya’s grandmother take a trip to the hot springs!
Is Rent a Girlfriend on a Break This Week?
No, episode 5 of the Rent a Girlfriend anime will be released as per its schedule; thus, no such delay is announced.
The anime comes out weekly every Friday.
2. Episode 5 Preview & Speculation
In the preview for the next episode 5 narrated by Kazuya and Mami, with the title “Hot Springs and Girlfriend,” Kazuya is contacted by Mami, who tells him she is waiting in the hotel pool all by herself.
Still, Chizuru falls off in the sea because of dizziness and losing balance.
So, Kazuya jumps in to save Chizuru but probably needs to be rescued, he is shown unconscious on the shore and Chizuru smiling at him.
But now Kazuya is faced with the choice to go back to Mami or not? Kazuya approaches Chizuru at her door again with another request, and she gives him a piece of her mind once again.
He is left pondering in his room, and Chizuru goes to the hot springs with Kazuya’s grandmother!
3. Recap of Episode 4
I. She plays her cards
Episode 4, titled “Friend and Girlfriend,” begins with Kazuya’s first meeting with Mami and him asking to be his girlfriend.
The various memories from their dating life are shown their first date, their promises, and their first kiss.
After that, the scene is repurchased to the present where Mami forces a kiss on Kazuya and Chizuru, telling Kazuya’s friends that she trusts him.
Mami uses the excuse that the kiss was because of the heat of the moment and discloses Kazuya to pretend nothing happened; she finds her bracelet and leaves a flustered Kazuya alone.
In contrast, playing cards with the group Kazuya keeps having flashbacks and struggles to forget the kiss.
II. The break-up
Kazuya gets a call from his grandmother about her discharge in a week and after the thought of deceiving his grandma haunts him, Kazuya tells his friends that he and Chizuru were having talks of a break-up, so not to put her in an uncomfortable position by asking to hang out at her place.
After hearing about the break-up, Kibe gets worked up, and a brawl transpires between him and Kazuya.
Kibe yells at him for not treating Chizuru with care and about how he kept fawning over Mami the entire time, he also sees through Mami’s act and tells her to stop leading on the guy she dumped.
Chizuru leaves and meets with Kazuya away from his friends, she says Kazuya did well, and the others might not understand their situation, which caused the scene.
He informs her that next week would be their last transaction and about his grandma’s discharge.
They part ways on good terms, and she encourages him by telling Kazuya it was fun to play his girlfriend.
III. Everyone needs a friend like Kibe.
Chizuru hides in front of the public restroom as her friends stand at the entrance, searching for her.
Kibe approaches her, and they go to the seashore to have a chat.
Kazuya, who passes by that road, stumbles upon Chizuru and Kibe’s scene, talking to each other about Kazuya’s dating failures.
But he praises his friend for his foolishly optimistic personality and tells Chizuru to give him another chance.
He gives Chizuru tickets to the ferry he bought as a congrats gift for her and Kazuya, but while doing so, the spying Kazuya gets discovered and apologizes to Kibe.
They agree to take a trip on the ferry and decide this is their last meeting.
On the ferry ship, Chizuru comes down with a cold and even encourages Kazuya to win over his ex-girlfriend if he can’t get over her.
He decides to ask Mami out after getting off, but Chizuru falls in the sea due to dizziness, so Kazuya jumps to save her!
4. Where to Watch Rent a Girlfriend
5. About Rent a Girlfriend
Rent-A-Girlfriend, also known as Kanojo, Okarishimasu, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Reiji Miyajima.
It has been serialized in Kodansha’s Weekly Shōnen Magazine since July 2017 and has been compiled into fifteen volumes as of June 2020.
The series has been licensed in North America by Kodansha Comics, which released the first volume in English in June 2020.
An anime television series adaptation by TMS Entertainment premiered in July 2020 in the Animeism block.
Kazuya Kinoshita is dumped by his girlfriend, Mami Nanami, after dating for about a month.
He then decides to use an online app to rent a girlfriend named Chizuru Mizuhara, a beautiful and attractive girl.
The story moves on as their lives become complicated and entangled with each other. Later, other girls from the girlfriend business also join in dating and showing interest in Kazuya.
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