Rent a girlfriend is a romantic comedy and shoujo anime, which tells the story of Kazuya Kinoshita, who, after being dumped by his girlfriend Mami Nanami, tries to cure his depression and decides to use an online app to rent a girlfriend named Chizuru Mizuhara, a beautiful and attractive girl.
The story moves on as their lives become complicated and entangled with each other. And we are here to provide you with the latest chapter updates of this fun-filled anime!
1. Episode 3 Title & Release Date
Episode 3 of the Rent a Girlfriend anime, titled “Beach and Girlfriend” will be released on Friday, July 24, 2020. In the next episode, Kazuya will get played by Mami while the friends visit the beach!
I. Is Rent a Girlfriend on a Break This Week?
No, episode 3 of the Rent a Girlfriend anime will be released as per its schedule; thus, no such delay is announced. The anime comes out weekly every Friday.
2. Episode 3 Preview & Speculation
In the preview for the next episode 3, with the title “Beach and Girlfriend,” the battle of wits between Mami and Chizuru begins as Mami tries her best to sabotage Kazuya and Chizuru’s “fake” relationship.
The episode will show the characters on the beach and playing tennis. The sneaky Mami will try to kiss Kazuya and play him.
3. Recap of Previous Episode 2
I. Too Many Coincidences
Episode 2, titled “Ex-Girlfriend and Girlfriend,” begins with Kazuya and Chizuru’s encounter again at their college! Feeling awkward around each other, Chizuru runs away, and Kazuya gets teased by his friends.
After parting with them he gets pulled into a storage room by Chizuru, she orders him at once to keep his mouth shut and pretend not to know her.
Still in disbelief when he returns home, they meet each other again as next-door neighbors taking their garbage out at the same time. He gets a call from hid grandma coming to visit and wants to meet Chizuru too.
He begs her again to put up their act in front of his grandma. But she firmly refuses and giving up; he greets his grandma when she visits.
Worried about them, Chizuru listens in on the conversion about their breakup from her balcony. With mixed emotions about the subtle expectations she hears about herself, Chizuru decides to show up at his apartment with home-made food.
They agree that he can rent her as his girlfriend, every Wednesday when he visits his grandmother.
II. Enter The Ex-Girlfriend!
The next day, Kazuya runs into his ex-girlfriend Mami on campus. His friends catch him ogling at his ex’s thighs after she leaves.
On Wednesday, Chizuru and Kazuya go for the hospital visit, after getting paid Chizuru turns on her girlfriend mode and flusters him again. Walking back from the hospital, they run into Kazuya’s friends on the street.
They mistake her as someone signing up their friend for a cult, but he introduces her as his girlfriend and brags about her.
They go drinking upon the persistence of his friends. At the drinking place they run into Mami, she eases the awkward situation by saying she has moved on and should enjoy.
When he comes back from despairing in the washroom, Mami goes on to portray Kazuya’s perversion in front of Chizuru and everyone else.
Chizuru catches a glimpse of a visibly embarrassed Kazuya going along with Mami’s jokes and takes a stand for him by pointing out the absurdity of having the details of their dating life spilled like this.
She leaves after Kazuya fails at sticking by her words, and Mami comes to console him and lure him in again with her sweet talk.
4. About Rent a Girlfriend
Rent-A-Girlfriend, also known as Kanojo, Okarishimasu, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Reiji Miyajima.
It has been serialized in Kodansha’s Weekly Shōnen Magazine since July 2017 and has been compiled into fifteen volumes as of June 2020. The series has been licensed in North America by Kodansha Comics, which released the first volume in English in June 2020.
An anime television series adaptation by TMS Entertainment premiered in July 2020 in the Animeism block. Kazuya Kinoshita is dumped by his girlfriend, Mami Nanami, after dating for about a month.
He then decides to use an online app to rent a girlfriend named Chizuru Mizuhara, a beautiful and attractive girl. The story moves on as their lives become complicated and entangled with each other.
Later, other girls from the girlfriend business also join in dating and showing interest in Kazuya.
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