Reason Behind Reyna’s Sudden Removal in Valorant – Explained

Valorant fans were left in a frenzy after discovering that Reyna was removed from the game. However, there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. No need to worry, the removal is only temporary. Read more to find out why Reyna was disabled in Valorant.

Why was Reyna removed from Valorant?

Reyna | Source: Fandom

Reyna is temporarily disabled in Valorant due to a bug in Patch 10.05 which went live a few days ago. The bug prevented Reyna from using her Overheal ability. This hampered her healing which is a major disadvantage. Until the team at Riot fixes this issue, they decided to disable Reyna. 

If players try to pick her, a prompt will appear on screen stating “The following content has been disabled: Reyna”. 

Here’s the official statement from Riot:

We can expect Reyna to be back on all platforms anytime soon. 

Valorant Patch 10.05

Valorant Patch 10.05
Valorant Patch 10.05 | Source: Valorant



  • Ranked Rollbacks are live!
    • If you lost RR due to a match against a confirmed cheater in the last week, you will be eligible for an RR refund! 
    • Here’s how it works:
      • You will get a pop-up notification showing the exact amount of RR being refunded.
      • To apply the refunded RR, you must complete one Competitive match.
      • Once you finish that match, the refunded RR will be reflected in your End of Game summary screen—win or lose, the refund still gets added to your total RR for that game.
      • Important: Ranked Rollbacks are only valid within the current Act and there is a cap per Act. If you qualify for a refund, be sure to play a game before the Act ends to claim it!


  • Agents
    • Raze
      • Fixed a bug where Blast Pack’s explosion was slightly smaller at the tip of the explosion since the explosion changes that went live in 10.03 
    • Clove
      • Fixed a bug where Clove could take damage or die for a single frame upon reviving with Not Dead Yet 
    • Sage
      • Resurrection: Fixed the same bug as Clove above where there was a single frame of vulnerability upon reviving a target
    • Tejo
      • Fixed a bug where Armageddon’s danger indicator did not always apply on variable elevations 
    • Iso
      • Fixed a bug where Double Tap’s HUD bar could look visually incorrect for spectators or observers 
    • Waylay
      • Fixed a bug where there was a performance hitch upon casting Convergent Paths
      • Fixed a bug where Convergent Paths was unable to be equipped during the buy phase.
  • Social
    • Fixed an issue where in-game status and scores were not updating as frequently as they should in the social panel.
  • Maps
    • Breeze
      • Fixed a bug where abilities would ignore line of sight around crates on A Site.
      • Fixed a bug where flash abilities would be blocked in certain areas on the map.
    • Sunset
      • Fixed a bug where players could not plant the Spike on the B Site crates inside of the plant zone.



  • We are disabling Remote Play for PS5 until further notice to investigate an issue. Please keep an eye out on future patch notes for an update!


  • Social
    • Fixed a bug where it would take several seconds to reconnect to comms when going back to the custom game lobby after match.
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About Valorant

Valorant is a free-to-play first-person tactical shooter developed and published by Riot Games. The game has a competitive player base and currently runs on Unreal Engine 4.

The game is set on a near-future Earth and features a cast of characters known as Agents, each of which have their own unique set of abilities to create tactical opportunities. Ten players are divided into two teams, Attackers and Defenders, with the goal of winning the most rounds. Players have access to a number of in-game weapons, shields and abilities which they can purchase before the start of every game.

Deepanwita Tudu


I am a voracious reader who loves listening to new music while looking at sunsets. When I am not humming to a tune, you can find me petting cats.


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