All Might unleashes every attack he can muster in chapter 400 of My Hero Academia, titled ‘To The Limit.”
Gathering the quirks of his students with his armor, All Might unleashes a barrage of massive attacks at All For One. He leaves him no time to recover or counter-attack, forcing All For One into the ground. Regardless, he still gets up.
As his hopes start to die out and All Might loses his smile, All For One gets hit by another attack from behind. Stain joins the fight and brings back his smile.
Here are the latest updates.
1. Chapter 401 Raw Scans
According to the spoilers, My Hero Academia’s Chapter 401 is titled “The Lunatic.” The chapter begins with a flashback of Stain flying to All Might and All For One’s fight with his glider.
He deduced what was happening from the conversation between All Might, Ingenium, and the “scar kid.” The closer he got, the more debris and trails of blood he saw.
He wasn’t sure if the blood was All Might’s or AFO’s, so he decided to smell it, and since he knew All Might’s smell from Kamino, he confirmed that it wasn’t his.
The scene cuts back to the present, and Stain wonders if All Might has understood the meaning of his existence. Stain said all that in Kamino because he wanted All Might to value his own life and continue to fight death, and All Might says he got it.
The two go for an attack, and Stain does his version of “I am here,” but it’s useless. All For One uses “forced activation” together with “phlebotomy.”
This combo of quirks causes All For One’s blood to leave his body and splash around. AFO says he knew Stain would try to do something against him since he was the only one to leave Tartarus alone, so he devised a plan.
Stain says he has to lick the blood again, but All For One also used “antigen modification” to change his blood’s composition. Fleeing without leaving evidence is how he stayed in the shadows for all these years, after all.
A mouth then comes out of his back and bites Stain. Stain is bleeding, and All For One mocks him, saying that taking off his blood and replacing it has made him cool down.
All Might shouts Stain’s name, but AFO throws him several blocks away and then flies off. A stain is knocked down in a game center.
AFO tries to steal Stain’s quirk, and All Might is seen flying towards them. AFO says Stain was essential to Tomura and the League’s growth, but his role in this story ended there. Stain says that’s false because they’re all part of one big process.
Even though he didn’t finish high school, All Might taught him the meaning of being a hero. “Win this and keep living,” Stain raises his hands as if praying. On the next page, All For One punches him, and blood gushes out.
All For One then turns around to attack All Might, too, but Hercules comes to protect him. All Might was sure that the car had already been destroyed, but there were still a few pieces left. It also tells All Might to live and gets destroyed by All For One’s laser.
The next page shows All Might lying on the ground as Nana tells him to get up. He also sees Nighteye and understands that they’re just illusions. It’s his body trying to encourage him.
He has already lost all his support items, and his legs aren’t moving, but he says, “I’m not dead yet! Come over here!” All Might is covered in blood and crawling on the ground, but he’s still smiling.
The last page shows AFO watching the falling U.A. as the cops say he has gotten close enough to Shigaraki; he can now use the goo teleport quirk.
The spoilers also reveal that there is no break next week. The chapter also includes Horikoshi’s comment, which says, “A fan sent me a Star Certificate named after Best Jeanist. At this point, I honestly think I could make a constellation full of MHA characters.”
2. Chapter 401 Release Date
Chapter 401 of My Hero Academia will be released on Monday, September 24, 2023. It is a weekly manga, and new chapters are released every Monday. You can read more My Hero Academia manga on Viz Media and Mangaplus
I. Is Chapter 401 on Break?
No, chapter 401 of My Hero Academia is not on a break this week. The manga will be released on the above-stated date.
3. Chapter 401 Speculation
This battle is now evenly matched with Stain’s entrance into the fight. However, All Might has nearly exhausted all his abilities, and even his body has almost given out.
I. Stain’s quirk works.
A major problem is All For One’s Rewind ability, which supposedly rewinds his body to a previous state. This should be able to revert the paralysis from Stain’s quirk immediately. However, he was paralyzed at the end of the chapter, so there may be a loophole.
II. All For One’s Rewind activates.
Stain’s paralysis typically lasts around 8 minutes, making it extremely easy for Toshinori and Stain to come together and seal or kill All For One. Narratively, this would be very anticlimactic. It’s more likely that the Rewind will activate the next chapter, and All For One will catch All Might off guard and hit him with another blast, which may be the last one.
III. All For One goes to Shigaraki.
This fight is taking up a long time, and Rewind is slowly bringing All For One’s age down. He will realize this and try to abandon the battle entirely, rushing to Shigaraki to take over his body. Stain has arrived on a glider, which could be what they will use to chase All For One.
4. Chapter 400 Recap
After blasting the laser, Aoyama visibly sees Hagakure out of her invisibility. Her quirk starts glitching out, and she runs away, freaking out about everything. Aoyama’s laser has gotten much stronger now, and he asks Hagakure to help him clear out all the plants.
Meanwhile, All Might refuses to stop firing the laser despite the engine overheating and the battery load. After the initial boom, he uses Sound Waves: Earphone Jack to pin All For One down even longer. All Might’s body is in tatters, but he won’t stop fighting as long as he lives.
All For One is still alive even after all his consecutive attacks, and Toshinori gets hit by another blast. He uses Armor Morphing to create Mineta’s spheres using the armor from his arm. The only thing numbing the incredible pain in Toshinori’s body is the pure ecstasy he gets from this battle.

Far away in another country, free of the consequences of the battle, a grandma and child watch the fight. Even though it does not affect them, the tenacity of All Might gathers the support of anyone watching. All For One emerges from the smoke, noticeably younger with a shining body.
Seeing Toshinori’s rage, All For One taunts him, asking him to smile. He moves to launch another devastating blast at All Might but is stopped midway. His entire body becomes paralyzed, and from above the battle, a new contender arrives.
Stain floats above, revealing a stone with colors of All For One’s blood. Although he acts like an invulnerable supreme being, they all bleed the same red blood. He screams at All Might to take him down once and for all.

5. Where to Read My Hero Academia?
6. About My Hero Academia
My Hero Academia is a Japanese superhero manga series written and illustrated by Kōhei Horikoshi. It has been serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump since July 2014, with its chapters additionally collected in 37 tankōbon volumes as of February 2023.
It follows a quirkless boy Izuku Midoriya and how he backed the greatest Hero alive. Midoriya, a boy who has been admiring heroes and their ventures since the day he was born, came into this world without a quirk, where almost everybody is born with one.
On one fateful day, he meets All Might the greatest Hero of all time and discovers that he was quirkless as well. With his diligent attitude and unwavering spirit about being a hero, Midoriya manages to impress All Might. He is chosen to be the heir to the power of One for All.
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