Chung Myung leaves the Shadow Sect in chapter 111 of ‘Return of the Mount Hua Sect.’ In this chapter, Chung Myung has a dream of the past for the first time.
In Chung Myung’s dream, Chung Mun talks about his purpose and future in the Mount Hua Sect. Chung Myung has been arrogant with his juniors, and Chung Mun is afraid he will regret it. An essential aspect of the sect is passing down your will through descendants, and Chung Myung needs to gain the respect of his juniors.
After waking up, Chung Myung prepares to leave for Mount Hua and says farewell. Moreover, Chung Myung talks extensively with the Beggars Union’s leader.
Here are the latest updates.
1. Chapter 112 Raw Scans
Raw scans of Chapter 112 of ‘Return of the Mount Hua Sect’ have not been released yet. The raw scans surface one to two days before the chapter’s release, so return and check.
2. Chapter 112 Release Date
Chapter 112 of ‘Return of the Blossoming Blade will be released on Friday, February 23, 2024. It is a weekly Manhwa, and new chapters are released every Friday. You can read more ‘Return of the Mount Hua Sect’ Manhwa on Webtoons.
I. Is Return of the Mount Hua Sect on a Break?
‘Return of the Mount Hua Sect’ is not on a break this week. Chapter 112 has been delayed and will be released on the above-stated date.
3. Chapter 112 Speculation
Baek Cheon has noticed that the Medicine Immortal’s past is highly suspicious. Although known to be a legendary physician who saved countless lives, the Medicine Immortal went on a journey to fight martial artists worldwide and take their swords.
I. Chung Myung Discovers the Orb
After remembering Chung Mun’s words and hearing Baek Cheon talk about the Medicine Immortal, Chung Myung has connected the dots. Since the Sword Graveyard was a message or even a test to the people of Jianghu, there may still be a final reward for the ones who figured it out. The most obvious treasure would be the origin orb that the Medicine Immortal’s disciples could not get.
II. Medicine Immortal’s Last Words
Another possibility is finding the will handed down by the Medicine Immortal. Since the legendary physician’s story is shrouded in mystery, the true will of the Medicine Immortal is unknown to most. However, the people who pass the test of the Sword Graveyard may be the only ones worthy of knowing the Medicine Immortal’s final words.
4. Chapter 111 Recap
Chung Mun asks Chung Myung what the Mount Hua Sect means to him, or just a sect in general. Chung Myung thinks for a while before saying that it’s just a place where lost oddballs find themselves. A sect is formed as groups of people gather together to pursue Taoism and build quarters.
Chung Mun is amused by his answer and tells him something obvious, “Humans can’t live forever.” Chung Myung is very talented, and his skills are worth passing down through multiple generations. The main idea of a sect is that followers pass down their will throughout generations.
Chung Myung’s behavior towards juniors is something he may regret in the future, and Chung Mun considers that the scariest thing in the world. Remembering these words, Chung Myung gets a reality check in the present as he wakes up from the dream.

The following morning, Chung Myung is frustrated that he forgot to get the origin energy pill. Baek Cheon suggests that they return to the Mount Hua sect now. The Beggars Union folk have been overstaying their welcome at the sect, and Chung Myung is getting annoyed. However, Hong Daegwang bows down to thank Chung Myung for all the help he provided and promises to repay him one day.
Moreover, Daegwang warns Chung Myung to stay alert for future threats. Jianghu may target Chung Myung due to his actions at the Sword Graveyard. Daegwang offers to send members of his sect to the Mount Hua branches to exchange information, which could benefit them both.
Chung Myung says farewell to all his new friends as he leaves for home. The Mount Hua sect has undergone much change over the last couple of months. Chung Myung notices that Nanying has become super empty after the commotion. Although they had no ancient weapons, the Mount Hua Sect still managed to resolve issues with the Shadow Sect and the Beggars Union.

Baek Cheon is suspicious of the Medicine Immortal’s story and how he became the Woundless Sword Interceptor. Baek tries to find a reason for Medicine Immortal’s journey throughout the sects, fighting all martial masters and taking their swords. As they continue debating, Chung Myung suddenly has a realization and walks back.
5. Where to Read Return of the Mount Hua Sect?
6. About Return of the Mount Hua Sect
Originally created by Bigo, “Return of the Mount Hua Sect” is a webtoon with art by Studio LICO. It is alternatively titled “Return of the Blossoming Blade”, a Korean manhwa and webnovel.
Cheongmyeong, The 13th Disciple of the Mount Hua Sect, One of the 3 Great Swordsmen, Plum Blossom Sword Saint, defeated Cheonma.
After an honorable death in a battle that brought peace and stability to the world, Chenmyeong is born again into the body of a child 100 years later. Seeing his Mount Hua sect in a pitiful state, Chenmyeong aims to return it to it’s former glory.
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