Chapter 96 of Dragon Ball Super appeared, and it was an exciting addition to the current storyline with the Red Ribbon Army.
This set of villains is particularly memorable in the Dragon Ball series, and fans remember them from both the original Dragon Ball series, where they play an important role, and Dragon Ball Z, where remains of them lead to the birth of the Androids.
It is also about time for Cell Max to finally awaken, and that is precisely where Dragon Ball Super Chapter 97 is going to take the fans.
1. Raw Scans and Leaks
Dragon Ball Super Chapter 97 Summary and draft pages are now out. Goten and Trunks attack Cell Max in their Saiyaman outfits but are swatted aside. Bulma explains that since the boys were grounded for over half a year, they haven’t been training.
Piccolo believes he and Gohan will have to struggle for their last senzu bean. Trunks, on the other hand, claims that he and Goten will be OK. After all, they haven’t yet become Super Saiyans.
Piccolo is still unsure if Goten and Trunks can be trusted, but Kuririn tells him that the boys can do everything they set their minds to. Still, Bulma believes Kuririn just does not want to fight. Meanwhile, Gamma 1 and 2 fire towards Cell Max.
Trunks notes that Cell Max seems clumsy, and Gamma 1 thinks he is still getting used to using his power. Now might be their only chance to defeat him! Hearing that, Trunks and Goten go Super Saiyan: “Alright! It’s our turn now!”. They attack Cell Max again. And that’s it for now.
2. Chapter 97 Release Date
Chapter 97 of Dragon Ball Super is expected to be released on Wednesday, September 20, 2023. The Dragon Ball Super series is a monthly manga, and every new chapter is released in the middle of the month. You can read Dragon Ball Super on Viz , Mangaplus.
I. Is Dragon Ball Super manga on a break this month?
No, Chapter 97 of Dragon Ball Super is not on a break this month and will be released as per the schedule.
3. Chapter 97 Discussion
The next chapter will begin with Goten and Trunks entering the battle against Cell Max alongside the Gammas. Likewise, fans can expect the issue to primarily focus on those present fighting against Cell Max to the best of their capability.
Some comedy moments featuring Goten and Trunks in their costumes are also likely, since this appears to be the only major change to the fight from the movie’s original events.
We might see Gohan transform into Beast Gohan in the same chapter as well! But we’d like to see a bit more battle and context for Gohan’s incredible transformation to make more sense.
4. Chapter 96 Recap
The chapter basically continues the story almost exactly like the Superhero movie. It just adds a few additional dialogues which give us more insight into what’s happening on screen.

We see Piccolo falling down the gorge as he remembers Shenron talking about “throwing in a bit extra”. They cut to Trunks, Bulma, and others talking about what just happened.
Suddenly, we see everyone’s faces go pale and surprised alongside Dr Hedo and Gamma. Yes, they are amazed at Piccolo as he has now transformed into his Orange Piccolo form and looks more menacing than ever.
Seeing this Gamma 2 leaps forward and starts hitting him but to no effect as Piccolo doesn’t even shake from his place. Then we see Piccolo start to beat Gamma 2 mercilessly.
Piccolo and Gohan fight off Gamma 1 and 2 but then the Gamma’s figure out that Red Ribbon Army has been misleading them and hence, they all make up and stop the fighting.

Then their brief moment of peace is broken as, even though Dr. Hedo and Hachimaru manage to kill Magenta, he activates Cell Max.

Cell Max comes out and starts charging at any living thing in his sight. Thanks to that we see Cell Max vs Gammas. While the battle ensues, we see Gohan dropping one of the last two Senzu beans.
At last, we see Goten and Trunks transform into their Saiyanman avatars and rush towards Cell Max.
5. Where to Read Dragon Ball Super?
6. About Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super came into serialization in June 2015, edited and illustrated by Akira Toriyama and his protege Toyotaru, respectively.
Dragon Ball Super takes the DB universe to another level by introducing the long asleep God of Destruction, Beerus.
Beerus initially decided to decimate Earth but postpones his plans when discovering the fantastic food he had never eaten. He also hopes to fight Super Saiyajin God one day.
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