We all know at least one person who wanted the PS5 so bad but didn’t manage to get their hands on one.
The pandemic ensued a hardware shortage worldwide, the consequences of which are continuing. This has affected console manufacturing as well. The Playstation 5 has been facing gross supply issues, and it does not look like things will look up until 2024.
Sony’s monetary presentation provided an insightful look into the problems associated with the manufacturing and sales of the PS5.

The above slide compared the net sales of the PS4 and PS5.
The initial sales of the PS5 performed considerably compared to the PS4, but after a year, there was a significant decrease due to unforeseen supply restraints.

The graph predicts PS5 sales to shoot up by Year 4 i.e., 2024.
This implies that Sony is not expecting the Playstation 5 to reclaim the top spot for gross sales till 2024, which is when Intel claims the chip shortage to diminish.
Covid waves and the Ukraine-Russia conflict have been the primary reasons for this decline. The company had to deal with different suppliers for a steady supply.
There is no doubt the PS5 is doing reasonably well. Apart from gross console sales, the report also reveals a clear spike in video game sales when the consoles are in stock.

The PS4 is still a worthy contender as the console’s digital gross sales and the Free to Play games make up a portion of the overall revenue. Sony also strengthened PS4 manufacturing amidst the shortages, which contributed to its sales.
Sony is also introducing the Playstation VR2 by early 2023, which will improve its gross corporate sales while tackling PS5 manufacturing problems. It looks like the Playstation 5 still has a long run before it can take over wholly, as these numbers look concrete now.
About Sony
Sony Corporation is a Japanese multinational conglomerate corporation headquartered in Kōnan, Minato, Tokyo. The company operates as one of the most comprehensive media companies on the planet and also holds the distinctions of being the largest video game console company and the second largest video game publisher in the world.
Its gaming and network services arm Sony Interactive Entertainment (formerly Sony Computer Entertainment) is best known for producing the popular line of PlayStation consoles.
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