Sony rolled out a new Playstation 5 beta software for selected users. The system will test new features before they are made public. Those invited to the program will receive an email invitation when the download goes live.
Sony’s new Playstation 5 beta will introduce several new features like 1440p graphics support, user-friendly interface improvements, and more.
Gameplay and Personalization Options
1440p HDMI Video Output
- Support for 1440p HDMI video output, enabling players to choose an additional visual setting on compatible PC monitors and TVs
- Experience native 1440p output on your display when playing games which support 1440p rendering
- Improved anti-aliasing through supersampling down to 1440p output when playing a game with 4k resolution

- Create up to 15 gamelists in your Game Library.

Compare 3D Audio and Stereo Audio
- Listen and compare the difference between 3D and stereo audio on the same screen, then choose your preferred setting.
Easier Access to In-progress Activities
- In-progress activities are shown prominently at the top of the game hub to make it as easy and as fast as possible to get back when resuming a game.

Social Features
- Request party members to start Share Screen to watch their gameplay.

Joinable Game Notification
- When you join a party and a party member is playing a game you can join, you’ll receive a notification, clicking on which you can directly join.

View New Friends’ Profiles
- View your new friend’s profile after accepting their friend request.
Send Stickers and Voice Messages in Game Base
- In Game Base, you can now send stickers and voice messages to your groups
The final Playstation 5 version may or may not include all these features.
About Sony
Sony Corporation is a Japanese multinational conglomerate corporation headquartered in Kōnan, Minato, Tokyo. The company operates as one of the most comprehensive media companies on the planet and also holds the distinctions of being the largest video game console company and the second largest video game publisher in the world.
Its gaming and network services arm Sony Interactive Entertainment (formerly Sony Computer Entertainment) is best known for producing the popular line of PlayStation consoles.
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