With the end of Pokemon Journeys: The Series and just a few days to the release of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the Poke hype factory is on overdrive.
Topping it all, is the information that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet has been confirmed to get an anime adaptation, which means Generation 9 is soon going to make it to our screens. Speculation has begun about which Pokemon will be coming back for the new series.
Several Pokemon from XYZ will be in Scarlet and Violet. Kalos is based on France, and Scarlet & Violet’s Paldea is based on the Iberian Peninsula; since France and Spain are neighboring countries, it’s likely that Generation 6 Pokemon will make an appearance in Generation 9.
All Returning Pokemon from Pokemon XYZ
I. Greninja
It is highly probably that Greninja will return in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Greninja was recently voted the most popular Pokemon ever, and since Greninja didn’t get an opportunity to shine in Generation 8, it’s likely he’ll come back for Generation 9.
If you’re an anime watcher you’ve probably heard of the Ash-Greninja retcon-spiracy.
A flashback scene in the recent Ultimate Journeys episode showed a normal Greninja whereas in the actual scene during XYZ, had Greninja in his Ash-Greninja form. \
But the entire storyline of XYZ revolves around Ash-Greninja so it wouldn’t make sense to erase the existence of the Bond Phenomenon.

This is the same reason I think Greninja will make a comeback in Scarlet and Violet. The Bond Phenomenon suggests that more Pokemon and their trainers should be able to achieve it.
Through the games, the ability requires Battle Bond but in the anime the transformation does not require any specific items for either the trainer or the Pokemon.
It would be interesting to see how this ties in with the exclusive Gen 9 Terastal phenomenon.
For now, Terastallization is only known to take place in Paldea. If the Bond Phenomenon is also a region-based ability, then we might get some more information on both these transformations in Scarlet and Violet.
More importantly, we’d know what the deal is with Ash-Greninja being as elusive as he’s been, ever since he was voted everyone’s top Pokemon twice in a row.
Greninja has been mysteriously absent from the games despite its popularity. All 3 Generation 6 starters haven’t made any appearance in the games for that matter. It’s time to give Greninja its due and have Froakie enter the Gen 9 foray.
Greninja will be made available in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s paid downloadable content (DLC) or will directly be a part of the Gen 9 Pokedex. Some sources suggest that Greninja might just be available through Pokemon Home.
As for the anime, Greninja is 100% coming back.
II. Charizard
Charizard will return in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. The official Pokemon website confirmed that players can catch an Unrivaled Charizard in Black Crystal Tera Raid Battles.
The event schedule is set for December 1 to December 4, and December 15 to December 18.
Charizard is not normally found in Paldea and will only be available during these Tera Battles in the Scarlet and Violet games.

Alain’s Mega Charizard X was a huge part of Pokemon XYZ and might make an appearance in the Scarlet and Violet anime as well. Mega Evolution will likely be addressed again, too.
III. Delphox
Delphox, the final form of the Kalos region Fire-Psychic Starter Fennekin, might return in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. As with Froakie, it will be transferrable from Pokemon Home.
Delphox has an amazing typing, and if we add Terastallization to it, what we get is something super badass.
IV. Chesnaught
Like the other Generation 6 Starters, Froakie and Fennekin, there is a good chance Chespin is also made available in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. By default, the evolutionary Quilladin and Chesnaught might be made available, too.
When the leaks first came out in September, several sources suggested that all 3 Started from Gen 6 would be available in Gen 9, but only through Pokemon Home.
It would be awesome to have Chesnaught and Delphox return as transferrable Pokemon, but Greninja had better be in the in-game Pokedex.
V. Hawlucha
Hawlucha made a comeback in Sword and Shield and will likely return in Scarlet and Violet – simply because of the way he looks.
Its design is based on a Mexican wrestler and has several traits that can be said to have been inspired by Spain and Aztec mythology.
While Hawlucha will fit right in Paldea, I could also see the creators totally ignore Gen 6’s Hawlucha in favor of a new, similar ‘mon which is region-specific to Paldea.
VI. Talonflame
Talonflame might return in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. This means Fletchling and Fletchinder will also be available.
Talonflame was Ash’s Fire-Flying Pokemon during his Kalos run and played a huge role while battling Moltres, one of the 3 Legendary Birds. It also fought against Team Flare and defeated Olympia’s Meowstic and Sawyer’s Slaking.
VII. Goodra
Goodra, Sligoo, and Goomy might return in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Goodra is a Pseudo-Legendary and was introduced as a Dragon type. In Generation 8, it had a Steel-Dragon typing. In Paldea, who knows, it might get another region-specific typing. Tera Goodra will also be a force to reckon with.
VIII. Will Noivern return in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?
The Flying-Dragon type Noivern will return in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Noivern, and by default, Noibat, would make a good addition to the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet new Pokemon.
IX. Eevee
There is a good chance Eevee will return in the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet anime. Eevee is already going to feature in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s new Tera Raid battle events, so its appearance in the games has already been confirmed.
Eevee’s appearance got many fans excited by the prospect that we might be getting an Eeveelution finally, but a Tera Eevee might be all that we’re getting.

Eevee, like Pikachu, has been one of the most loved Pokemon since the beginning. During Pokemon XYZ, Serena’s Eevee evolved into the Fairy type Sylveon. Including it, we have 8 possible evolutions for Eevee. It would make sense that the ninth generation gives us a ninth evolution, but I wouldn’t put too much faith into it.
On the other hand, a new form for Eevee might be the perfect way to introduce Tera typing where a Pokemon’s type changes to its Tera type.
X. Pikachu

Pikachu will return in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. The Pokemon Company announced that pre-ordering the Pokemon Scarlet or Pokemon Violet game will enable you to get your hands on a special Pikachu as a gift.
This special Pikachu is a Terastallized Pikachu with a Flying Tera Type. Flying is not a move that a Pikachu can usually learn, so this Pikachu is indeed special.
Is it even Pokemon if there’s no Pikachu? In the Generation 9 anime, Pikachu is bound to be present, as will our boy, Ash.
All Returning Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet
Apart from speculations about other returning Pokemon, there are a few Pokemon from the previous 8 regions that have been confirmed via various trailers and promotional material.
Check out this full list to see whether your favorite Pokemon are returning in the new generation!
- Altaria
- Ampharos
- Arcanine
- Azumarill
- Azurill
- Bagon
- Beartic
- Blissey
- Bonsly
- Bounsweet
- Breloom
- Bronzor
- Cacnea
- Cacturne
- Camerupt
- Carkol
- Chansey
- Charizard
- Charmander
- Charmeleon
- Chewtle
- Clauncher
- Clawitzer
- Cloyster
- Coalossal
- Combee
- Copperajah
- Croagunk
- Cryogonal
- Cubchoo
- Cuffant
- Dedenne
- Deerling
- Deino
- Diglett
- Ditto
- Donphan
- Dragapult
- Dragonair
- Dragonite
- Drakloak
- Dratini
- Dreepy
- Drifblim
- Drifloon
- Drowzee
- Dugtrio
- Dunsparce
- Eelektrik
- Eelektross
- Eevee
- Eiscue
- Espeon
- Finneon
- Flaaffy
- Flabebe
- Flareon
- Fletchinder
- Fletchling
- Floette
- Florges
- Fomantis
- Forretress
- Froslass
- Gallade
- Gardevoir
- Gastly
- Gengar
- Girafarig
- Glaceon
- Glalie
- Gogoat
- Golduck
- Goodra
- Goomy
- Greedent
- Growlithe
- Gyarados
- Happiny
- Hariyama
- Hatenna
- Hatterene
- Hattrem
- Haunter
- Hippopotas
- Hippowdon
- Hisuian Zoroark
- Honchkrow
- Hoppip
- Houndoom
- Houndour
- Hydreigon
- Hypno
- Igglybuff
- Jigglypuff
- Jolteon
- Jumpluff
- Kirlia
- Kleavor
- Komala
- Krokorok
- Krookadile
- Larvitar
- Leafeon
- Liligant
- Litleo
- Lucario
- Lumineon
- Lurantis
- Luxio
- Luxray
- Lycanroc
- Magikarp
- Magnemite
- Magneton
- Magnezone
- Makuhita
- Mareanie
- Mareep
- Medicham
- Meditite
- Meowth
- Mimikyu
- Misdreavus
- Mismagius
- Mudbray
- Mudsdale
- Murkrow
- Noibat
- Noivern
- Numel
- Oricorio
- Pachirisu
- Pelipper
- Persian
- Petalil
- Phanpy
- Pichu
- Pikachu
- Pincurchin
- Pineco
- Polteageist
- Psyduck
- Pupitar
- Pyroar
- Qwilfish
- Raichu
- Ralts
- Riolu
- Rockruff
- Rolycoly
- Rotom
- Sableye
- Salamence
- Sandile
- Sawsbuck
- Scatterbug
- Scizor
- Scyther
- Seviper
- Shelgon
- Shellder
- Shinx
- Shroomish
- Sinistea
- Skiddo
- Skiploom
- Skwovet
- Slaking
- Slakoth
- Sliggoo
- Slowbro
- Slowking
- Slowpoke
- Sneasel
- Snorunt
- Spewpa
- Staraptor
- Staravia
- Starly
- Steenee
- Stonjourner
- Sudowoodo
- Swablu
- Sylveon*
- Talonflame
- Teddiursa
- Torkoal
- Toxapex
- Toxel
- Toxicroak
- Toxtricity
- Tropius
- Tsareena
- Tynamo
- Tyranitar
- Umbreon
- Ursaluna
- Ursaring
- Vaporeon
- Venomoth
- Venonat
- Vespiquen
- Vigoroth
- Vivillon
- Weavile
- Wigglytuff
- Wingull
- Zangoose
- Zorua
- Zweilous
About Pokémon
Pokémon was first released in 1996 and is set up in a world where humans catch monsters and store them in pocket-sized poke-balls.
They are creatures with an affinity to certain elements and some superhuman abilities related to that element.
Revolving around a teenage boy Ash Ketchum, Pokémon takes us through his journey to becoming the most accomplished Pokémon trainer the world has ever seen.
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