Fire Force is a series that follows Shinra and his journey to becoming a Hero by ending Spontaneous Human Combustion and finding the one behind his family’s death. Even after the series’s end in 2022, some key questions remained about the mysterious realm of Adolla, the power known as the Adolla Burst and the Adolla […]
For the past decade, a deep-rooted rivalry has witnessed the Templars and the Assassins engaging in a bloody war across different timelines in the Assassin’s Creed series. Needless to say, fanatics of Assassin’s Creed games, movies, books, and comics haven’t been devoid of entertainment due to the s[..]
FIFA 23 offers some FIFA Ultimate Team players unique Flashback player cards to celebrate their historic seasons of excellent form. These special items are untradeable and released via FUT 23 Squad Building Challenges (SBC). One of these FIFA 23 Flashback player cards is Radamel Falcao, who is intr…
In the season 2 premiere of To Your Eternity, we learn that 40 years have passed since Fushi has been alone on the island. He grows lonely and ages, seeing as he hasn’t changed his form for many years. He meets Hayase’s reincarnation, and I wonder if she is trustworthy. It was so exciting to see[…]
Octoblow attacks Spinner in chapter 370 of My Hero Academia, titled “History.” This chapter was pretty hard-hitting. Octoblow shined in this chapter as he took matters into his own hand. Despite being discriminated against by society, he still stands by the heroes’ side and fights against the[…]
A sixty-year time jump in chapter 165.2 of To Your Eternity revealed drastic changes in Fushi’s life. We learn that Yuki, who was once just a member of the occult club in high school, eventually became a senior Knocker researcher. March also grows old, but it broke my heart to see that […]
Urahara Kisuke was one of the most mysterious characters prior to Season 11 of the anime. This season mainly focused on the past of Visoreds and Urahara. We came to know a lot about this peculiar man, his origins and how he came to be viewed as a criminal in Soul Society. Urahara Kisuke was the captain[…]
If you are an anime fan, you must be aware of Lupin III and his various misdeeds by now. This iconic character has proved himself to be the supreme con master with skills that no one else can match. While watching the Lupin III series, you must have wondered about his childhood and upbringing[…]
Soul Reapers, better known as shinigami, are one of the most influential figures in Bleach. They are hailed as heroes in the series since they help souls to pass on to the afterlife and maintain between regular souls and Hollows. You can certainly see how much of a huge role they play in Bleach […]
Kaido throws Momo into the sea in episode 1037, titled “Believe in Luffy! The Alliance’s Counterattack Begins!!” Kaido finally dealt with Momonosuke. Law and Kid have formed a temporary alliance to defeat Big Mom. Zeus is alive and is back with Nami in the form of a climate baton. Looks like[…]
Shigaraki woke up in episode 4 of My Hero Academia season 6, titled “Inheritance.” It was a fast-paced and epic episode. We got into the backstory of Tokoyami and his master, Hawks. However, Dabi has hurt Tokoyami’s master pretty badly. Endeavor and other pro heroes tried their best to stop[…]
Ever had your thunder stolen by your sibling? If so, then you will relate to the protagonist of the upcoming anime “My One-Hit Kill Sister.” Even the title of the anime is dedicated to Asahi’s sister. Is there any chance for him to shine at all? Maya is the protagonist’s sister, and is a severe[…]