On November 13, the official website for the anime adaptation of Shūhei Miyazaki’s Me & Roboco manga released a new promotional video previewing the theme song titled “lol” by the band Gang Parade. The anime is set to premiere on TV Tokyo on December 4 and its affiliate channels.
The promotional video also revealed the cast. The anime will star: […]
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever introduced Tenoch Huerta’s Namor in the MCU, even claiming he is as powerful as Hulk, whom Tony Stark named the strongest Avenger. But Marvel changed the meaning of the antagonist’s name in the MCU, and with good reason. The sequel compared the Talocan king to the […]
Dominique Thorne, who plays Ironheart in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, explains the specific reasons behind her MCU debut in the latest MCU movie. Riri Williams aka Ironheart is a character from Marvel Comics. She is introduced as a bright student at MIT who builds an armor similar to Tony Star[…]
In a recent interview
with Polygon, Weird Al opened up about his decision not to make Daniel Radcliffe sing in his movie. Radcliffe plays the titular comedic singer in the film, which tells the story of his stardom through comedic parodies of various songs. The cast also boasts of an ensemble cas[…]
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever opened up to a big hit at the box office this weekend with favorable reviews from most critics and audiences. The sequel paid tribute to the titular character’s previous actor, Chadwick Boseman, who passed away before the film was written. Producer Nate Moore teases […]
Darkknightmon searches for his head in episode 51 of Digimon Ghost Game titled “Headless.” The episode was a little haunting at the beginning. Darkknightmon was roaming around to find his lost head. When he finally gets it, he gets furious about how the humans treated his head. Hiro’s father[…]
In episode 7 of Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! Season 2, Hana does not want to admit that she has feelings for Shinichi. She tells Sakaki that since Shinichi graduates next year, she will make him confess his love for her. Sakaki is frustrated as it would have been much easier if Hana admitted[…]
Angroboda is the latest “Giant” addition to the God of War franchise via GoW Ragnarok, where she also serves as Atreus’ companion. Upon falling asleep, Atreus finds her in Ironwood. Moreover, in Norse mythology, she plays the role of a Jotun, Loki’s wife and the mother of all monsters. Interestingly[..]
God of War Ragnarok takes place three years after the events of the first game. At the end of the first game, Fimbulwinter begins which signals the beginning of the countdown to Ragnarok. Fimbulwinter goes on for three years and the day it ends, Ragnarok begins. God of War (2018) took place in 535 […]
God of War: Ragnarok is filled with various kinds of puzzles but there are some puzzles which can be a bit tricky. One of these puzzles are the red vines that Freya can burn down using her Sigils. The problem is, there are big rows of these red vines that can’t be burned down easily but this guide[…]
You’ll find multiple Nornir Chests throughout your entire journey in God of War: Ragnarok. Some of them are easy to unlock while the others are a tad bit tricky. You need to complete puzzles involving the runes on the chest for each of them. You’ll find one of these chests when you return to Svartalfhei[…]
Legendary Chests in God of War Ragnarok rewards you with Armors, Enchantments, Weapon Attachments and Runic Attacks. These chests are scattered around all the Nine Realms and provide items of great value. This guide will help you to find all the three Legendary Chests present in the area of The […]