Overflow Season 2 anime is one of the most popular hentai anime series, directed by Rei Ishikura and written by Eeyo Kurosakia by Studio Hokiboshi, which is known for its erotica-themed anime series such as Titan’s Bride and Fire in His Fingertips. The narrative is based on the Japanese manga[…]
Reigen Arataka might be one of the most amusing characters, but we cannot deny that he is in fact a con man. He was an average-salary man who was tired of his boring life and started his consultancy business on a whim. He generally gives his clients massages and throws around salt to get rid of the[…]
I believe I speak for the majority when I say that animals are the ultimate cure for a bad day. They know just how to lift our mood, but what if these furry friends were more human-like? Kaoru Fukaya’s manga, ‘Yomawari Neko,’ elaborates on this concept with an anthropomorphic cat as the protagonist.
Bob Chapek resigns as the CEO of Disney within a year of taking over. He will be replaced by Bob Iger, who held the position previously. Bob Iger acted as the CEO of Disney for over a decade and was involved in the taking over of Lucasfilm, Pixar and Marvel Entertainment. Iger also played a pivot[…]
Joey Batey is confirmed to star as Jaskier in The Witcher’s prequel series, Blood Origin. The prequel is set almost a thousand years before the events of the original series. The Witcher prequel series was first announced in July 2020 and will premiere on Netflix on December 25, 2022. The series […]
On November 20, the official website for the Gridman Universe anime film released the teaser trailer and a new key visual for the film. The trailer reveals additional cast members and the March 24 premiere date. The cast members revealed are: Ryousuke Takahashi as Caliber Katsuyuki Konishi as Max Aoi Yuki as Borr Masaya Matsukaze as Vit […]
Seems like the Girls und Panzer das Finale film series are following a bi-yearly pattern and fans won’t have to wait much longer for the fourth installment in the six-part film series. “Part 4” will be making its way to the theaters next year. On Sunday, during the premiere of “Girls und Panzer[…]
Love can be all sorts of things. It can be sweet, sour, calm, chaotic, cheerful, or sad, and ‘Kaguya-sama: Love is War’ is the kind of story that proves this. Kaguya and Miyuki’s romance has shown us the many different faces of love through the years, and now it’s time for the sad part of it[…]
Dwayne Johnson has lived a life full of ‘content.’ Who doesn’t want a life like The Rock? But his life story is a blended broth of ecstasy, despair, and everything in between. He decided to make a TV series out of his life a few years back. The show does a fair job of blending flashbacks with fla[…]
In episode 8 of Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! Season 2, titled “Yanagi and Kiri Also Want to Have Fun,” Yanagi confirms that Hana loves Shinichi. Hana is upset as she is the only one Shinichi calls by her last name. Shinichi confesses that Hana is special to him, making it challenging to call Hana[…]
Shaujinmon caused some trouble in episode 52 of Digimon Ghost Game titled “Mysterious Lake.” We saw the pair of Gawappamon and Shaujinmon, with the former serving the latter. Shaujinmon’s beads started to break, causing him to berserk and want human flesh. Gawappamon made sure that no human[…]
The creators of the German TV series Dark recently released a show on Netflix that questions reality instead of time. 1899 premiered on the streaming platform on November 17, 2022, with all episodes available for a binge-watch, which will end with your neurons tangled and still firing, trying to […]