The show chronicles the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of April 1986 in the Soviet Union. The unprecedented cleanup efforts that followed the fact that it took a TV series to shed light upon one of the biggest nuclear disasters ever. Post the infamous Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacks. This says a lot about the complete lack of […]
All dystopian sci-fi films don’t need to be super expensive or expansive to convey the dreary message of the end of humanity. I AM MOTHER, streaming on Netflix, is an excellent example of that. This Netflix sci-fi exploits the human extinction theme with a twist where an alien robot mothers a human baby. For a […]
Abhay Deol is probably the most talented Deol. It explains how he has a knack of making you watch something even as sloppy as Chopsticks. Directed by Sachin Yardi, the film stars Deol alongside internet star Mithila Palkar. The story is of an under-confident, timid girl coming into her own when she loses her brand […]
One Piece is one of those shows that has been loved for ages. Big news for anime fans came last week when the longest of all arcs, Whole Cake Island Arc ended. It marked the start of something bigger and better, Wano Arc and the future takedown of Kaido. The latest episode also showed the […]
Hollywood scored one with its first exclusive Asian romantic drama Crazy Rich Asians, and it was a matter of time before Netflix cashed in on the hype with one of the most streamed movies on the site, To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. Now Netflix is out with a ‘politically correct’ rom-com Always Be […]
Mortal Kombat 11
Choose your destiny! These iconic words can only belong to one video game franchise- Mortal Kombat. Funnily enough, the newer versions of the game do not say that anymore. And the changes don’t end there. NetherRealm studios have changed Mortal Kombat yet again with the new release to bring about some subtle yet important improvements. […]
Is ‘Good Omens’ worth a watch?
Amazon Prime knows how to get you in the mood for some beautiful, snarky, dry British humor. A wonderfully penned fantasy plot and an achingly good David Tennant-Michael Sheen duo make up Good Omens on Amazon Prime. Based on a book by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, Good Omens is the tale of an angel […]
Kishimoto Sensei is back with yet another excellent piece of work – the new manga, Samurai 8: Hachimaruden. If you are an otaku, or even a wannabe you must have either seen or at the very least, heard of one of the most epic animes’ out there – Naruto Shippuden. Those were the good old […]
Recently, Singaporean Film Dealer company- Encore Films fills joy in Singapore. They reveal that they are going to Premiere Tenki No Ko in Singapore. They Posted a Chinese and English subtitled trailer of Weathering With You. The trailer reveals that New film of Makoto Shinkai is going to release in Singapore. Before revealing the date, […]
Hotstar is now producing originals in India, and Criminal Justice is the first of the many official REMAKES of popular sitcoms pipelined in the coming months. This series is adapted from the UK series called…. CRIMINAL JUSTICE, which has been remade by HBO in America too, called A Night Of (starring Riz Ahmad). Both the […]
Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure Season 6 Updates
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is nearing the end of season 5. It’s the story of Giorno Giovanna and his Stand Golden Experience which is one of the most versatile experiences in the series. Fans are eagerly awaiting season 6, because it will cover the exciting ‘Stone Ocean’ story arc according to the manga. Besides this, the team working […]
Mob Psycho 100 is one of the most exciting anime series. Its fan base is huge. The storyline of this anime has a variety of characters with a range of unique abilities. Crunchyroll decided to make a video game on Mob Psycho 100 and named it – Mob Psycho 100 Psychic Battle. The idea of […]