Anime Coming Soon Parasyte Upcoming Anime Seasons

Parasyte Season 2: Release Info, Rumors, Updates

Fall 2014 blessed us all with the amazingly terrifying Parasyte the Maxim. It has been six years since Season 1 ended, and yet, fans are still hanging onto the hopes of getting Season 2 of the show. The anime was adapted from a serialized manga back in the ’90s, blowing […]

Anime Kingdom News

Kingdom Season 3 Confirms April Broadcast Date! BluRay Sets Revealed

Kingdom is a dramatic anime about those whose fates are entangled with the kingdom of Qin. The anime hits all the right spots with its action, melancholic deaths, and the ambitious characters. Season 3 of the anime was painfully on hold for a whole year due to the Coronavirus pandemic but it[…]

Anime Edens Zero News

Edens Zero Reveals Celestial Key Visual And New Cast For April Debut

Edens Zero is Hiro Mashima’s first venture into the science fiction genre. His past work, Fairy Tail, and Edens Zero are supposed to be different stories altogether. Yet, it makes us wonder why a familiar talking blue cat called Happy is traipsing around. The familiar looking characters can be[…]

Anime News

COVID-19 Forces Anime Central Convention 2021 Cancellation Till 2022

Anime fans are disheartened once again as yet another convention is canceled. With Anime Central Convention as the next target, any hope of attending anime conventions this year is getting drowned. In these dark times when people need to support each other, the pandemic is driving everyone apart.

Anime Gunjou ni Siren Movies News

Yuri Manga, Gunjou, Inspires Netflix Live-Action Movie, Ride Or Kill

“A smile from you can destroy my whole life,” says Rei after murdering the husband of the woman she loves. Gunjou, the yuri manga carved out of flesh, blood, and bones, will take you on a journey that you can never forget. Gunjou is not a tale about the kind of love that lets two people eat[…]

‘WandaVision’ Is Currently the Most Popular TV Show in the World

Disney+’s first Marvel Cinematic Universe outing, WandaVision, the most popular TV show in the world, according to Parrot Analytics.
The series, which was released in January, observes Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) and her spouse Vision (Paul Bettany) through a series of abnormal shenanigans and disturbing events in the bizarre(…)

‘Downton Abbey 2’ Movie Confirmed by Hugh Bonneville

Actor Hugh Bonneville has revealed that a follow up to 2019’s successful Downton Abbey film is on its way shortly.

The 57-year-old played Lord Grantham’s role in the most celebrated ITV period drama for six seasons, from 2010 to 2015. The successful feature film appeared in 2019. The series was developed by author Julian Fellowes and shortly grew(…)

Who is the Inquisitor in Rebels? How many Inquisitors are there?

The Star Wars spin-off series Rebels opens with its heroes, the Ghost crew, operating under an evil Grand Inquisitor’s shadow. Like every Rebels character, the Grand Inquisitor — or merely the Inquisitor — is a dialed down version of their canon counterpart, the Sith. However, the name Inquisitor is the name of not one but several Imperial watchdogs tasked with sniffing and

Cameron Crowe Reveals ‘Jerry Maguire 2’ Would Be the Tidwells’ Story

Jerry Maguire is one of the most popular romantic comedies of all time and now the director of the film has revealed what his idea of the sequel would be. Although a sequel is not in the cards at the moment, Cameron Crowe has stated that Jerry Maguire 2 would revolve around Rod Tidwell and[…]

‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League’ Has 10-Minute Intermission for Theatrical Showings

Zack Snyder reveals his upcoming Justice League’s Snyder Cut has a 10-minute intermission worked in that will be featured in possible theatrical showings.

When the Snyder Cut was officially confirmed last year, one of the crucial questions was how it would be released. Statements suggested it would either be as a TV miniseries or a feature film. Originally(…)

‘WandaVision’ Episode 6 Explained

The brand new episode of MCU series WandaVision, starring Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany in the lead roles, is labeled All-New Halloween Spooktacular. The sitcom world of Westview, specifically now seems more like a Malcolm in the Middle story where Wanda and Vision have to haggle with their new houseguest and Vision’s own growing skepticisms about what’s going on.

WandaVision published its first seasonal(…)