One Pokemon fan has collected all the Pokemon available in the Pokeverse! Not only that, he has even trained them to the highest possible level of 100.
The phrase “gotta catch’em all” has become synonymous among the Poke-fans in all languages, and one fan has finally completed the phrase in the literal sense.
Reddit user u/Freddichio is the super Poke-fan who built a complete Pokemon Home collection on Nintendo Switch. He has caught all possible Pokemons, in every form and variation, and trained them to level 100!
Flaunting his collection on Pokemon Subreddit, u/Freddichio talks about how he dedicated four years to establish this living Pokedex comprising every form and variation of all known Pokemon. He even proceeded to max out all the Pokemon to level 100.

This monumental achievement implies that he not only caught all Pokemon but a copy of every single Pokemon as well. This feat means he did not just capture one Charmander and evolve it to Charizard.
He captured three Charmanders and evolved one to Charmeleon and the other to Charizard. This would have required him to capture 800 plus pokemon through various games, rare trades, and special events.
To capture every form and every variation for Pokemon, u/Freddichio must have caught once-a-game Legendary/Mythical Pokemon multiple times.
This must-have required multiple playthroughs across multiple games. Imagine capturing Pokemons like Alcremie with 63 different color variations!
All this hard work is topped up by training every single Pokemon to the maximum possible 100th level.
Based on u/Freddichio’s subreddit post, most of the training and leveling up process took place in Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon’s auto-leveling Poke Pelago.
“This first started this with Sun/Moon – when trying to complete my pokedex I thought I’d stick a few useful pokemon in Poke Pelago to level up.
Isle Evelup can hold up to 18 pokemon at once, so of couse I stuck 18 pokemon in there. When some had reached level 100 I swapped them out with others I’d caught who weren’t, and I just never stopped doing that.”
While building such a large dex, the legitimacy of the Pokemons also needs verification. There have been numerous instances involving fake Legendary/Mythical Pokemons created using third-party applications.
Nintendo has even banned many suspected users. u/Freddichio made sure he was not duped with fake Pokemons and only took trades from players who could prove their Pokemon’s legitimacy.
u/Freddichio mentioned that now he’ll focus on other games until the next pokemon games out. Sounds like the right thing to do for the “one who caught them all.”
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