The last two One Piece chapters have made it clear that the Egghead Island arc is racing to an end. But this short arc has given us more than we could have asked for: Ancient Kingdom lore, Im, Vegapunk, Dragon, Seraphim, and more.
In the latest chapter 1068, we see CP0 arrive at Egghead Island to kill Vegapunk because he knows too much about the Ancient Kingdom, much like Ohara. Rob Lucci and Kaku have been promoted from CP9 to CP0, and along with Stussy, try to use Seraphim S-Bear to fly onto the island.
Except – the Straw Hats are on Egghead, too. They have just agreed to Vegapunk’s request to take him off the island so he can search for the infinite and powerful ancient energy source that can power the world.
At the end of the chapter, Lucci encounters Luffy in what seems to hint to an iconic showdown. This has fans begging the question – will Luffy and Lucci have a rematch on Egghead Island?
It’s unlikely that Luffy and Rob Lucci have a 1-on-1 rematch on Egghead Island. Lucci might be stronger since Enies Lobby, but Luffy is a Yonko now, having defeated Kaido, the strongest creature in the world. It’s more likely that Robin fights Lucci given the context of Ohara.
Luffy and Lucci Rematch: Who would win?
Lucci was as strong as Gear 2 Luffy back in Enies Lobby. He was the strongest antagonist Luffy had faced, and pushed him into activating Gear 3 for the first time. Luffy barely scraped by, but he eventually did beat Lucci. Besides, he’s come a long way since then.
Luffy would definitely beat Lucci in a 1v1, no matter how strong Lucci has become now.
Luffy, with Gear 5: Nika, was able to “become” Joy Boy and defeat Emperor Kaido. He has all 3 types of Haki, an overpowered Devil Fruit, and of course, his crew, who has tripled in power. Zoro, Sanji, or Jinbe would be more than enough to defeat Lucci, let alone Luffy.
This is not to say that I am underestimating Lucci.
Lucci has the Mythical Zoan Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard, which he can likely now use alongside Advanced Armament Haki. He can perform Seimei Kikan and alter his body into forms that amplify his skills, specifically his Rokushiki ability.
Rokushiki is what sets Lucci apart. He can combine it with his Devil Fruit powers and use techniques like Rokugan which was what force Luffy into Gear 3.
Lucci’s power was recognized by the former Warlords and his intelligence and potential comparable to Who’s Who.

Incidentally, Who’s Who was defeated by Jinbe in Wano, and even if we consider that Lucci is stronger than Who’s Who, anyone from the Monster Trio should have no trouble taking him down.
I do hope that Lucci Awakens his Devil Fruit so we can finally see what a Mythical Zoan Awakening looks like in action. But, even then, Luffy will be considerably more powerful than him.

Why Luffy vs. Lucci Won’t Happen
Apart from the obvious fact that Luffy would crush Lucci in a serious 1v1, there are several other indications why Luffy vs. Lucci won’t happen again.
1. Vegapunks, Bonney, Kuma, Seraphim will Battle CP0
The primary thing to consider is that CP0 is at Egghead for a reason. CP0 has gotten direct orders from the Celestial Dragons to eliminate Vegapunk (all 7 of him) because he has gathered secret information from Ohara about the Ancient Kingdom and the battle in the Void Century.
Vegapunk’s clones are going to be a huge distraction for CP0 as it is, even without the involvement of the Straw Hat Pirates.
With S-Bear aka Seraphim Kuma unleashed by CP0 and S-Snake (Boa Hancock), S-Hawk (Mihawk), and S-Shark (Jinbei) mobilized by Vegapunk’s clones, the battle is going to become one-sided real fast.
Even if Sentamaru, who’s been put in charge of the Seraphim, flips at the last moment, Lilith, Shaka, and the Straw Hat crew, can easily manage them.
Not to forget, the real Bartholomew Kuma has run away from the Revolutionary Army and is likely on his way to Egghead, having sensed that his daughter, Jewelry Bonney, needs him.
We might see Kuma vs. S-Bear/S-Kuma, Bonney vs. Stussy, Jinbe vs. S-Shark/S-Jinbei, Zoro vs. S-Hawk/S-Mihawk + Kaku, and Sanji vs. S-Snake/S-Boa.
As for Lucci himself, the maximum I can see is a short clash with Luffy, before there is a distraction that cuts the clash before it turns into a full-fledged fight.
This clash might be on account of the fact that Lucci just one-shotted Atlas or Punk-05, one of Vegapunk’s satellites who had given Luffy food via the Automatic Cooking Machine. I can definitely see Luffy angered that Lucci punched someone who had given him food.
2. Robin will Get Her Revenge
There is more of a possibility that Robin fights Lucci on account of their fight pre-timeskip.
During the Enies Lobby arc, what made the Luffy vs. Lucci fight so dramatic and impactful was the fact that Luffy wanted to prove that he wasn’t fighting for himself, but for his nakama.
The Straw Hats wanted to free Robin whereas the CP9 agents, in particular – Lucci, were under orders to not let Robin leave no matter what.
After Robin’s heart-rending “I want to live” speech, she deserves to whoop Lucci’s ass as payback.

Additionally, in chapter 1066, Vegapunk basically states that he carries the will of Ohara, the will of Professor Clover, the archaeologist and director of the Ohara library.
All the mysteries that Ohara deciphered are in Vegapunk’s brain. It is due to Vegapunk that Ohara’s battle didn’t go in vain, and since Robin is the only surviving member from Ohara, she will do anything to protect Vegapunk, who is the current target of the CP0.
Plus, we know that earlier, CP0 was on a mission to capture Robin. More the reason for her to fight back and prove that she is the “Light of the Revolution”.
This time, it will be Luffy’s nakama who fight. This would also prove how much stronger the Straw Hat crew has become, especially members like Robin, who we haven’t really seen in action much.
3. Lucci Might Turn Against the WG
There is a lesser considered possibility here: Lucci might become disillusioned with the World Government and go rogue.
A few chapters ago, Lucci was the only one in CP0 to question their orders from the World Government.
He wondered aloud why they were meant to eliminate Vegapunk, the most useful man in the world, and whether it had anything to do with what happened to the Lulusia kingdom. Im had wiped Lulusia from the map because of rebels.

Additionally, Luffy’s special ability is to turn his enemies into allies. He was also the one who made Who’s Who flip sides.
There’s a chance Lucci becomes like Crocodile – which also might mean, he might join the Cross Guild. This would still mean he is Luffy’s rival; just not his direct enemy.
Is there a chance that we see Luffy vs. Lucci?
Since One Piece has become increasingly unpredictable, it’s possible that we get to see another Luffy vs. Lucci fight after all.
It might be an opportunity to show how far Luffy has come –his last fight with Lucci had left him immobilized. This time, if a rematch happens, he should be able to fold Lucci like it’s nothing.
But we honestly don’t really require anything to show us how far Luffy has come – the entire narrative up till now has been testament to the fact that Luffy is slowly and surely growing in power. He’s become a Yonko for crying out loud.
But in a fun twist, maybe Lucci kidnaps or attempts to kill Robin as a throwback to Enies Lobby, and a direct jab at what Vegapunk just revealed about Ohara.
CP0 after all was ordered to capture Robin. This would make Luffy become serious about taking down Lucci and then we would get a proper rematch.
About One Piece
One Piece is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. It has been serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since July 22, 1997.
The man who had acquired everything in this world, the Pirate King, is Gol D. Roger. The final words he said at the execution tower were “My treasures? If you want it, I’ll let you have it. Look for it; I left all of it at that place.” These words sent many to the seas, chasing their dreams, headed toward the Grand Line, in search of One Piece. Thus began a new age!
Seeking to be the greatest pirate in the world, young Monkey D. Luffy also heads toward the Grand Line in search of One Piece. His diverse crew is joining him along the way, consisting of a swordsman, marksman, navigator, cook, doctor, archaeologist, and cyborg-shipwright, this will be one memorable adventure.
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