One Piece episode 992, titled “Desire to be Oden! Yamato’s Dream!” aired this week.
Last we saw that Yamato revealed himself to be Kaido’s son. We also saw that Perospero made it to Onigashima even though Marco attacked their ship. To make things even more exciting, Chopper and Usopp held their own against Big Mom.
Finally, Luffy gave Yamato the time of day and heard him out. It was expected to see Orochi being a coward to lower the morale of the samurais by trying to execute Momonosuke. To make things worse, Kaido made an important announcement.
Will Orochi succeed in executing Momonosuke? What exactly is the New Onigashima Project? We bring you updates on One Piece.
Episode 993 Speculations And Discussions
One Piece episode 993 is titled “Explosive?! The Handcuffs that Shackle Yamato’s Freedom!”
As Orochi mentioned different ways to execute Momonosuke, Kaido makes an announcement regarding the New Onigashima Project.

We will definitely get more closure regarding Kaido’s new plan in the upcoming episodes. One thing is for sure. It’s not going to be anything good.
It is already established that whatever it is, the Land of Wano will suffer even more.
I just hope that Luffy gets on good terms with Yamato and frees her of her explosive handcuffs by using his new technique.
Together, they’ll put a stop to Kaido and Orochi’s plans.
Episode 993 Release Date
Episode 993 of the anime One Piece titled “Explosive?! The Handcuffs that Shackle Yamato’s Freedom!” will be released on Sunday, September 26.
Is One Piece on Break This Week?
No, One Piece is not on break this week. Episode 993 is set to air as scheduled. No delay has been announced.
Recap of Episode 992
Episode 992, titled “Desire to be Oden! Yamato’s Dream!” starts with Luffy getting caught off guard when Yamato compares him to a particular man.
He then stops and decides to let Yamato speak his mind. Yamato asks for ten minutes of Luffy’s time, but Luffy being the way he is, was not willing to listen for that long.
Meanwhile, Law successfully managed to get the Akazaya to the entry of Onigashima without getting caught.
They are greeted by Nekomamushi and Izo, who were carried by Marco, to help them reach faster.
Everyone is ecstatic to see the trio. Inuarashi reminisces about his days with Marco, back when he was in Whitebeard’s crew.
Kiku gets emotional as he sees his brother, Izo, after a very long time. Izo greets him, saying that he has become a fine samurai and he is proud of him.
Marco then takes his leave, saying that it is not the time to be reliving past memories, and goes to check if anyone from Big Mom’s crew made it to Wano.
Whereas, in the live hall, Orochi has got everyone excited by mentioning Momonosuke’s execution. Kaido then arrives and mentions the New Onigashima Project.

During all this chaos, Yamato manages to get Luffy to give him five minutes of his time. He starts by revealing that he was present during Oden’s execution and was very moved by it.
He also mentions that he possesses Oden’s journal and wishes to carry on Oden’s will and open up the Land of Wano to the world.
The episode ends with Yamato revealing that she is a girl and mentioning that Luffy reminds her a lot of Ace.
About One Piece
One Piece is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. It has been serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since July 22, 1997.
The man who had acquired everything in this world, the Pirate King, is Gol D. Roger. The final words he said at the execution tower were “My treasures? If you want it, I’ll let you have it. Look for it; I left all of it at that place.” These words sent many to the seas, chasing their dreams, headed toward the Grand Line, in search of One Piece. Thus began a new age!
Seeking to be the greatest pirate in the world, young Monkey D. Luffy also heads toward the Grand Line in search of One Piece. His diverse crew is joining him along the way, consisting of a swordsman, marksman, navigator, cook, doctor, archaeologist, and cyborg-shipwright, this will be one memorable adventure.
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