You will encounter ominous black stakes located all over Paldea during your journey. These are items sticking out of the ground and can be used as a way to unlock the shrines.
These shrines seal away the four Ruinous Pokémon. The shrines can be unlocked by using stakes of similar color. There are four stake colors: purple, blue, green, and yellow.
Each of these colored stakes is again located in 7 different regions. The players will need a detailed guide to the locations of these stakes. We have prepared a list of all the locations, so let’s get into it!
Black Stakes are located all over Paldea and obtaining them can help you unlock the shrines of similar color. The shrines are the places where legendary Pokémon are locked and unlocking them can help you obtain these Pokémon.
Purple Stake Locations
There are 8 Purple Stakes located in the South and East Provinces of Paldea. These unlock the Grasswither shrine or the Purple shrine.
1 Location 1
The first purple stake is located southwest of Artazon, to the south of the Pokémon center. You can find it over the top of the hill.

2 Location 2
The second stake is located northeast of Los Platos on the top of a plateau.

3 Location 3
This stake is located northeast of the Pokémon center outside of Mesagoza. You will find the stake in Area 1, South Province on the top of the plateau again.

4 Location 4
The fourth purple stake is located to the east of Mesagoza. It is located on top of a hill in the South Province desert.

5 Location 5
This next stake is located near a lake that is south of Los Platos. This stake will be present near the lighthouse that you climbed at the beginning of the game.

6 Location 6
The sixth stake will be located in the South Province( Area 5). It is present southeast of Mesagoza and northeast of Los Platos and is present on a plateau.

7 Location 7
The next stake is present between Mesagoza and Artazon in the East Province, Area One. You will notice a lot of cliff faces in the region.

8 Location 8
The last purple stake is present close southwest of South Province, Area Five. It is present on a lake near South Province, Area One.

Unlocking GrassWither Shrine!
After unlocking all the purple stakes you can head toward South Province Area 1 to unlock the purple shrine.

Yellow Stake Locations
The yellow stakes are located all across the West and South provinces of Paldea. These unlock the Icerend shrine or the yellow shrine.
1 Location 1
The first yellow stake is located northeast of Alfornada. It is located in the southern province, Area 6.

2 Location 2
The next yellow stake is located near the western province, area 1. There is also a pokemon center that lies northwest of this area.

3 Location 3
This third stake lies very close to the second stake, it is located in the same province and is present in the middle of a land formation that looks like a Pokèball.

4 Location 4
The fourth yellow stake is present in the western province, area 1. It is located southeast of the Asado Desert and southwest of Cascaraffa.

5 Location 5
The fifth yellow stake is located in the southern province, area 2. The closest landmark is the Great Crater of Paldea.

6 Location 6
The next yellow stake is present just near Cascaraffa. It is present near a tree and a river.

7 Location 7
The 7th yellow stake is present in the southern province, Area 6 which is located to the east of Alfornada on top of a plateau.

8 Location 8
The last yellow stake is present inside a cave to the north of Alfornada and the west of Cortondo. The nearest landmark is the west Paldean sea.

Unlocking The Yellow Shrine!
After locating all the yellow stakes you can now unlock the Icerend Shrine which is located in the South Province, Area 6. It is near the West Paldean sea and Asado Desert.

Green Stake Locations
The Green Stake is located across Casseroya Lake, Glaseado Mountain, and West Province (Area Three). These unlock the Groundblight shrine or the green shrine.
1 Location 1
The first green stake is present between Porto Marinada and Medali. To be exact, it is located in the western province ( Area 2).

2 Location 2
The second Greenstake is located super close to the first green stake, it is present near the river on the other side of the cave.

3 Location 3
The next Greenstake is present on the other side of the river, north of Porto Marinada.

4 Location 4
The next Stake is present in Casseroya Lake. It is present northwest of Medali.

5 Location 5
This Stake is present very close to the fourth green stake. It is still in Casseroya lake and towards the North East.

6 Location 6
The GreenStake is present west of Glaseado Mountain and northeast of Medali. It is present on a plateau.

7 Location 7
The seventh green stake is present in the North West of Glaseado Mountain and Montenevera.

8 Location 8
The last green stake is present in the North West part of Casseroya Lake near the North Paldean sea, on a plateau.

Unlocking the Groundblight Shrine!
After you have collected all 8 green stakes you can head towards the northern part of Casseroya Lake where you can unlock the Green Shrine.

All Blue Stake Locations
The blue stakes are located across the North Provinces and Glaseado Mountain, the northeast side of the map. They can be used to unlock the Firescourge Shrine.
1 Location 1
The first blue stake is present in the Northeast region of Paldea. It is present in the North Province Area 1.

2 Location 2
Blue Stake 2 is located very close to the first blue stake, it is located in the middle of the hill in North Province, Area 1.

3 Location 3
The third blue stake is present in the Tagtree Thicket area. It is located on the Plateau southeast of Glaseado Mountain.

4 Location 4
This blue stake is located south of Glaseado mountain and towards the west of Tagtree Thicket.

5 Location 5
The fifth blue stake is located in the eastern province, Area 2. The nearest landmark would be levincia.

6 Location 6
The sixth blue stake is present in the northern province, Area 2. You can find it inside a ruin.

7 Location 7
The next blue stake is also present in North Province Area 2. You can find it on top of the mountain and the nearest landmark is the Pokemon Center present in the area.

8 Location 8
The last blue stake is present on the top of a mountain in fury falls. It is present in between North Province Area 1 and 2.

Unlocking Firescourge Shrine!
After you have collected all the blue stakes you can now unlock the blue shrine which is located near the cave south of the Pokemon Center in the North Province Area 2.

You can only reach some of the high places like plateaus after unlocking the special abilities of Miraidon and Koraidon like ‘high jump’, ‘glide’ and ‘climb’.
What Legendary Pokémon will be unlocked?
After you unlock the shrines, you will receive the respective legendary Pokémon. When you unlock the purple shrine, you will receive Wo-Chien. When you unlock the yellow shrine, you will receive Chien-Pao.
When you unlock the Green Shrine, you will receive Ting-Lu which is a Dark/ Ground Type Pokémon. When you unlock the Blue shrine you will receive Chi-Yu. Chi-Yu is a Dark/Fire-type Pokémon.
Shrine | Pokémon Unlocked | Type | Ability |
Purple | Wo-Chien | Dark/Grass | Tablets of Ruin |
Yellow | Chien-Pao | Dark/Grass | Sword of Ruin |
Green | Ting-Lu | Dark/Ground | Vessel of Ruin |
Blue | Chi-Yu | Dark/Fire | Beads of Ruin |
About Pokémon
Pokémon was first released in 1996 and is set up in a world where humans catch monsters and store them in pocket-sized poke-balls.
They are creatures with an affinity to certain elements and some superhuman abilities related to that element.
Revolving around a teenage boy Ash Ketchum, Pokémon takes us through his journey to becoming the most accomplished Pokémon trainer the world has ever seen.
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