Having just released AC Valhalla a month or two ago, it is rumored that Ubisoft is set to target the release of a China-based Assassin’s Creed in 2022. Many reports claim that it will be the first true next-gen Assassin’s Creed game.
The news of 2022’s rumored Assassin’s Creed was first shared by xj0nathan, a French YouTuber and Streamer. He revealed that for 2021, the focus of Ubisoft would be AC Valhalla. Set in the Viking Age, the game will receive two paid expansions alongside a handful of free content.
It is believed that Ubisoft will also bring the beauty of Paris and Ireland to the game soon.
After dedicating their hard work to Valhalla, the attention of Ubisoft will turn to its sequel in 2022, the reports say.
It must be noted that xj0nathan did not talk about the time period or setting that the next Assassin’s Creed will follow. All the gamer did was claim that Ubisoft Sofia will be entrusted to develop the upcoming game.
The internet came to believe that the next Assassin’s Creed might have a Chinese setting through the artwork of concept artist John Bigorgne which was released in 2018.
Given that Bigorgne works for Ubisoft Sofia, the rumors suggesting an Ancient Chinese theme might have some substance after all. It showcased traditional Chinese settlements alongside soldiers added fuel to the fire.
Here is the artwork that we are talking about:

For now, all I can say is to take the news with a pinch of salt. Releasing a complete next-gen game within a short span is never an easy job. Players should expect a smaller title or best not have any expectations at all.
2022 is still very far, and we already have AC Valhalla to enjoy!
About Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Developed and Published by Ubisoft, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is the latest instalment in the Assasin’s Creed series launched in November 2020. The action-adventure, role-playing video game is available to play on Playstation 5/4, Xbox One/ Series X/S and PC.
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla takes players back to the Vikings’ glory days around the 9th century through the eyes of a Viking invader from Norway named Eivor. By playing as Eivor, gamers must represent the clan and help fellow warriors in the battle against Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms. The game brims with phenomenal main quests along with noteworthy side quests. AC Valhalla will also embrace many new features like dual-wielding of various weapons and armours.
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