Battlefield 2042 launched a week back and, as with any new release, had its fair share of bugs and problems that need to be remedied. Thankfully, EA DICE is on the job and has released a new update that brings several fixes for various issues, including making the hovercraft not as formidable as it is currently.
The update promises to bring significant changes to both balance and performance. This includes the crash problems many players have been facing; this should be fixed now. Other changes include certain vehicles being rebalanced, and “situations where you could not be revived or respawn as intended” should not occur anymore.
Another change is coming to the in-game bots. Players found that the bots were acting more like a specific section of real players and refusing to revive downed teammates when players were downed close to obstacles such as water or walls. Thankfully, the update has fixed this, and bots should stop behaving like selfish kill chasers.
The fix will also affect the bullet spread for all weapons aside from Shotguns and nerfing the PP-29, which many players said was overperforming its intended combat range. A bug that kept players stuck in a downed state and unable to respawn has been fixed. A 30-second timer has also been added to the ‘downed’ status, forcing a respawn post that limit.

Some vehicle weapons have also been recalibrated. The MD540 Nightbord Mounted 20mm Cannons offered a wide range of splash damage and radial impact; this has been fixed. Likewise, the KA-520 Super Hokum 30mm Cannon’s damage, range, and splash damage have all reduced, but the bullet spread has increased. The miniguns on all the vehicles have reduced effectiveness, and the LCAA Hovercraft’s armor has changed, making the vehicle more vulnerable to certain weapon types.
…we designed this vehicle to behave as an alternative to the LATV4, but not as an upgrade […] we have balanced the health of this vehicle to bring it more in line with its design and made sure that its weaponry is appropriately effective.

Tweaks have also been made to Battlefield Portal: the UAV-1 has been re-enabled (“It was overpowered, and we’ve made adjustments to account for that”), the health regeneration delay and speed have been reduced, increased missile damage against vehicles and infantry, and “the drone is able to roadkill enemies.”
You can check out the entire list of tweaks, fixes, and changes done here. This includes changes made to specialists and even small changes like how smoke grenades bounce. Battlefield 2042 will get its third update next week and has promised beefy changes.
About Battlefield 2042
Battlefield 2042 is the seventeenth installment in the Battlefield series developed by DICE and published by Electronic Arts. The game is a first-person online multiplayer shooting title. This installment of Battlefield will not feature a single-player campaign mode.
The year is 2042 and the world is in ruins. Natural disasters run rampant, ocean levels have risen, the world economy has collapsed, and the US and Russia are at war. You step into the shoes of a non-patriated soldier – a soldier without a side. The games’ story will be revealed through episodic additions, allowing players to create a future for themselves and other non-pats in a world on the brink of destruction.
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