The latest Netflix thriller Dangerous Lies can be simply summed up as so bad that it’s good.
You see, despite reading the whole plot and knowing what happens in the end, even before I started the film, I wanted to see for myself where the lost diamonds were hidden in the last scene!
Dopey plot
The plot of the movie is disjointed and haphazard. Katie, a hot caregiver, works for a dying old man. She is broke, and he is generous. So he leaves his house to the young woman, who he’s known for barely four months.
Now Katie appears with her tall and handsome husband, Adam, who is stubborn, greedy and does not shy away from violence. He is instantly a murder suspect when the old man dies. Meanwhile, the house comes with a hidden treasure and uninvited guests.
The couple shifts to the big house only to find another dead body for them to handle. This other one has been rotting in the basement of the house for a couple of years. But no one finds it there, lying with a bag of diamonds worth $3 million.
Only one man knows of the diamonds because he helped steal them. Enter the hot blonde master thief Hayden, who can enter and leave a house without anyone noticing his presence and also rob a jewelry store without so much as a gun.
Spoiler: He has a partner, the hot Asian lawyer Julia who helps forge the old man’s will. No he didn’t leave the house in Katie’s name! She befriends Katie and shows signs of being a bit too interested in the diamonds.
Meanwhile, the hot Detective Chesler warns Katie of an enemy close by. She thinks it is her husband Adam and begins tripping on all the ways he was going going to ditch her and run away with the diamonds.
Ending Explanation & Verdict
Cut to the end, Adam ends up dead, trying to save Katie from Hayden. But he dies to manage to kill Hayden before dying, thus ensuring Katie’s safety. He also hides away the diamonds and drops Katie a hint she never picks. (*cough* in the garden).
In the climax scene, Katie is pregnant and planting a tree in the garden. After she leaves, a sprinkler reveals the diamonds in the mud for nobody but the audience to see.

As you could see, there is a lot of titillation in this film, even though it’s supposed to be a serious crime drama. But with Camila Mendes of the Riverdale fame playing Katie, sexuality was almost a must.
Even Jessie T. Usher as Adam, Jamie Chung as Julia, and Cam Gigandet as Hayden do not disappoint. However, my favorite remained the gorgeous Sasha Alexander as Detective Chesler with her all-knowing eyes and bang on gunshots!
Apart from the cast, there is little else one can focus on in Dangerous Lies, given the lightning-fast change in plots, changing villains, and a rather dumb girl-next-door lead Katie.
Yet the film is being watched and rewatched on Netflix ever since its launch on April 30. I can’t help but wonder if this is because the film is up there with the category of films that are so bad they are good.
After all, when were our guilty pleasures ever critically-acclaimed? Here’s one film that also pretends to be politically correct. What more do you film-snobs want?
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