Toshinori stalls time with All For One in Chapter 398 of My Hero Academia, titled “Toshinori Yagi: Rising Origin.”
The story of All Might began long ago when a young, high school student faced monsters holding a metal pipe. Nana had come to help him, and Toshinori begged her to take him on as a disciple. She initially refused, but she couldn’t say no after hearing his motivation.
Glad he can finally help people again; All Might fights All For One with a massive smile. He can feel the hope of everyone on his back, making him even stronger.
Here are the latest updates.
1. Chapter 399 Release Date
Chapter 399 of My Hero Academia will be released on Sunday, September 3, 2023. It is a weekly manga, and new chapters are released every Sunday. You can read more My Hero Academia manga on Viz Media and Mangaplus.
I. Is Chapter 399 on Break?
No, Chapter 399 of My Hero Academia is not on a break this week. The manga will be released on the above-stated date.
2. Chapter 399 Raw Scans
The next chapter of My Hero Academia, titled ‘A.C. Powered Lamp,’ starts with All For One destroying a building while All Might dodges with Tentacole and Froppy. All Might then plans his next attack with the Shoto cannon and the Talisman tail.
All for One then says that running away after laughing like that is pathetic. Furthermore, he understands his plan and is going to kill him with the minimum effort. He then covers the entire alleyway with Black Tendrils.
All Might flies upwards to dodge and comes face-to-face with two giant, monstrous mouths.
All Might calls All for One a liar and says that this is not minimum effort. Those mouths then start biting everything while chasing All Might.
All for One calls All Might an old man and says that the whole world is going to witness the death of a symbol of peace.
All Might then tries to dodge another attack but this time gets hit, and he spits blood. He puts the Shoto cannon inside All for One’s mouth, fires, and says he doesn’t get what he is saying. Then we see Aoyama. Kunieda has defeated all the heroes in the parking lot except Aoyama. Aoyama is injured and tries to attack Kunieda with a laser.
Fat Gum says the flowers absorbed nutrients from his body, preventing him from using his quirk. He tells Aoyama to do his best and then passes out. One of the flowers bites Aoyama’s belt and hands it to Kunieda.
Kunieda talks about how pathetic Aoyama is, but he remembers the time when his parents gave him his belt.
Kunieda called him a traitor to make him feel terrible. So he activated his quirk, and the lasers went in all directions. Since he can’t control it. None of them hit Kunieda, and he laughs. Then Hagakure appears behind him and reflects the lasers.
As the chapter is about to end, All Might is in a snowy place, and he’s trying to get up on his feet. He says that he still doesn’t think he’ll lose. Then the robot birds brought whatever was left of Hercules and fired a laser at All for One.
3. Chapter 399 Speculation
All Might and All For One’s fight has peaked now that he has no more parts from Hercules to back him up. He is done if All For One lands any more attacks that destroy his armor.
I. All Might wins
The chances of him winning are not negligible, thanks to Rewind. All For One is blinded in his rage against All Might and distracted from his initial objective, and his age is rewinding. If he manages to stall some more time, Toshinori will win.
II. All For One wins
If All For One gains his composure and focuses appropriately, he will be much stronger and more durable than All Might. The chances of him killing Toshinori here are incredibly high, especially considering the power difference, thanks to his arsenal of quirks.
4. Chapter 398 Recap
Toshinori chases after Nana after their first meeting, asking her to take him as a disciple. All Might fires a serum from his car and injects it into All For One, filling his veins with super acid.
His body begins disintegrating from the acid, and All Might scoffs at him, angering him further. Nana had rejected his request because Toshinori had no quirks, but he remained persistent. She assumed he wanted revenge for his family, but he has a different view.
Toshinori’s goal is to become the ultimate symbol, a hero everyone can admire and smile. Getting revenge merely continues a cycle of violence and hatred, so he needs to make people learn to forget their fear and live in peace.

All Might and All For One crash into the Tatooin station and fly through buildings. The two are deviating from the path to the U.A. and are solely focused on their fight. The damage is building up as All Might has multiple broken ribs and a damaged lung.
He remembers the time Deku ran to save Bakugo multiple years ago and knows it’s not the time to stand down yet. All For One’s Rewind is steadily making a noticeable difference as he looks younger. All For One hasn’t noticed the age change yet, blinded by his anger.
All Might assumes Rewind speeds up with the amount of damage and orders Hercules to send new gadgets. Using Ingenium and Urvaity, he boosts his movement speed and attacks with a massive smile.

Toshinori remembers how good it felt to help people the longer this battle goes on. Meanwhile, Deku fights Shigaraki with All Might on his mind.
5. Where to Read My Hero Academia?
6. About My Hero Academia
My Hero Academia is a Japanese superhero manga series written and illustrated by Kōhei Horikoshi. It has been serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump since July 2014, with its chapters additionally collected in 37 tankōbon volumes as of February 2023.
It follows a quirkless boy Izuku Midoriya and how he backed the greatest Hero alive. Midoriya, a boy who has been admiring heroes and their ventures since the day he was born, came into this world without a quirk, where almost everybody is born with one.
On one fateful day, he meets All Might the greatest Hero of all time and discovers that he was quirkless as well. With his diligent attitude and unwavering spirit about being a hero, Midoriya manages to impress All Might. He is chosen to be the heir to the power of One for All.
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