Musicophilia, Manga About Boy Who Perceives Music In Shapes, Inspires Live-Action Movie

Musicophilia is the story of a guy who denies his musical talent completely but fate has other plans for him. Akira Saso’s music-themed trilogy will be concluding as the last part, Musicophilia, will inspire a live-action film.

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Saku, the protagonist of the film, has music in his veins. He hears melody in nature and in every element around him.

Then why does he suppress his talent to the point of hating music? This upcoming live-action film will discover aspects of the creative mind in a unique way.

Musicophilia, the third part of Akira Saso’s music-themed manga trilogy, is inspiring a live-action film. The film will premiere in fall 2021.

Saku tries to detach himself from music completely, but how is it possible when he can hear a melody in every shape around him? It is a journey of a youth who gradually accepts his destiny and himself.

Just because he has talent doesn’t mean that his life is without obstacles.

An artist’s mind is sensitive and can get heavily affected by things that others would just ignore. Saku’s inferiority complex thus fuels his detachment even more.

The main cast members of the film include:

CharactersCastOther Works
Saku UrushibaraKai InowakiKenji Sasaki (Tokyo Sonata )
Nagi NaniwaHonoka MatsumotoMio Miyakawa (Mio on the Shore)
Taisei KishinoIkusaburo YamazakiHisashi Sato (Yell)

Akira Saso’s previous two mangas were named Shindo and Maestro.

Musicophilia, Manga about Boy Who Perceives Music in Shapes, Inspires Live-Action Movie
Musicophilia | Source: Official Website

Shindo depicts the story of Naruse Ito, a piano prodigy who starts hating playing the piano after her father’s death. It is a story of how two people support each other towards success and fulfillment.

Maestro! tells the story of an orchestra that is reformed after years. Under the guidance of the conductor, they not only learn to play wholeheartedly again, but they also recover from their past traumas.

Shindo and Maestro! inspired live-action films in 2007 and 2015, respectively.

About Musicophilia

Musicophilia is a manga by Akira Saso, and it was published in the Manga Action Magazine from 2011-2012.

Saku hears music in nature and every shape and object near him.

However, he forces himself to hate music due to his inferiority complex arising from his father and brother’s successful careers. Through a turn of events, he has to face his musical talent and answer his hungry creative self.

 Source: Comic Natalie


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