We’re getting closer and closer to the release of Mass Effect Legendary Edition, but players are not going to be able to dive in as soon as they have their copy of the game. Reports suggest a heavy Day One patch planned, which aims to improve the overall stability and performance of the game.

Update 01.01 for Mass Effect Legendary Edition is already live on PlayStation servers. We don’t know the size of the base collection of three games yet, but the update itself is almost 12 GB. This size isn’t the largest Day One update a game has received, but it’s still quite sizeable for a trilogy of remastered titles.
The patch is mainly focused on the technical side of the game, aiming for better performance and stability, fixing various game crashes, and tweaking the lighting and ambient occlusion improvements. None of these seem like significant issues to fix, but it’s good to know that the game will be available from Day One in the best possible form.
We don’t know the size of the trilogy of games on console yet, but the PC version is going to take up a decent chunk of disk space, clocking in at 120 GB. Most likely, it will be the same or around the same size for consoles, which is understandable given it is a collection of three remastered games. The complete adventure will easily go over 100 hours, giving players a nostalgic return to a beloved franchise.

The new Mass Effect collection went gold on April 10th, so the devs have had an extra month to add the finishing touches, which the patch addresses.
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is looking to make several changes and improvements to the three games. One of the most well-known and highly requested adjustments is the adjustments being made to the Mako to control it better. Combat too has seen tweaks all over, and Mass Effect 3’s Galactic Readiness System has been programmed to consider the progress made in Mass Effect 1 & 2.
About Mass Effect: Legendary Edition
The first three original games of the franchise: Mass Effect(2007), Mass Effect 2(2010), and Mass Effect 3(2012), will be fused together. The outcome of this amalgamation will be known as Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. These classic games of the past will be given a modern touch.
To make this game a fit for the modern hardware, Mass Effect Legendary Edition will carry a plethora of enhancements. Expect to see a game with improved revamped dynamic shadows, volumetrics, textures, redesigned character models, depth-of-field, etc.
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