We’re getting a hitman monkey with a suit out for revenge. If anyone ever tells you creativity is done for, throw Hit-Monkey’s trailer at their faces.
Reported to be in production in 2020, Marvel has finally released the first look of the most aggressive monkey you’d ever find – the Hit-Monkey.
The Hulu Original animated series has piqued more people’s curiosity with its trailer, released on Monday.
Hit-Monkey is also Ted Lasso star Jason Sudeikis’ debut to the MCU (Two faves together? Who would’ve thought). He’ll play the lead character alongside Olivia Munn and George Takei.
The trailer gives an insight into the guns-wielding, sharp, yet at times a bit dumb, Hit-Monkey, who’s guided by the ghost of the assassin-man named Bruce. We also catch a glimpse of Lade Bullseye and some witty remarks by characters.
Check out the first look of Hit-Monkey released by Hulu below:
Hit-Monkey first appeared in Marvel Comics in 2010 and was created by Daniel Way and Dalibor Talajić. He has also featured in Deadpool’s comics a couple of times, which now has fans wanting a crossover.
The animated series is based on a Japanese snow Macaque, Hitman Monkey, who has teamed up with the ghost of Bryce, an American assassin, to take revenge on a group of people.
The drama unfolds when the villains slaughter everyone in the village and Bryce too. Fueled by the pain and anger, Hit-Monkey embarks on a quest for vengeance alongside his mentor, Bryce.
A killer with anger issues, Bryce proves to be the calm, cynical mentor who can help Monkey make wise decisions.
Hit-Monkey is probably the weirdest superhero created in Marvel. Though the trailer offers some action and funny scenes, it’s receiving mixed reactions from fans. Like the multiple YouTube comments, it has 50-50 chances of being a hit or a miss show.

A deeper walkthrough in the Japanese underworld, Hit-Monkey, gives off vibes that it might be an unexpected hit.
Hit-Monkey will premier all its episodes on November 17, exclusively on Hulu.
About Hit-Monkey
Hit-Monkey is an animated series by Marvel and Hulu based on the superhero of the same name. Hit-Monkey first appeared in Marvel Comics in 2010 and was created by Daniel Way and Dalibor Talajić.
The Hit-Monkey cast stars Jason Sudeikis (Ted Lasso) as Bryce, ghost of the dead assassin-cum-mentor, George Takei (Star Trek, Mulan) as politician Shinji and Olivia Munn (X-Men: The Apocalypse) as Akiko, Shinji’s niece.
The plot revolves around a Japanese snow macaque, Hit-Monkey, who has incredible killing skills, on a quest for revenge with his mentor Bryce. The assassin was sheltered at Monkey’s clan, but the people after him ended up slaughtering everyone in the village, thus making Monkey swear upon revenge. Through the Yakuza underworld, Hit-Monkey will kill anyone in his path, while political drama unfolds in the bakground.
Source: Hulu YouTube
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