Maggie Smith’s 10 Greatest Moments As Professor McGonagall In Harry Potter Explained

Dame Maggie Smith died at 89, leaving a legacy of memorable film and television appearances, including Minerva McGonagall in the Harry Potter films.

Smith was the ideal Professor McGonagall, striking the correct balance between being strict and encouraging of the pupils at Hogwarts. It’s tough to envision anyone else in the shoes of this Harry Potter character, especially after seeing Smith’s greatest scenes.

Whether Professor McGonagall was training her pupils for the future or defending Hogwarts from outside threats, Smith stood out in every scene she appeared in.

She had many emotional moments demonstrating McGonagall’s softer side, yet she could also be scary when the situation called for it. Smith will undoubtedly be missed in the acting profession, but Harry Potter fans can always reflect on her most memorable scenes from the series.

10. Not Wanting Dumbledore To Leave Harry With The Dursleys

McGonagall appears in the first scene of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone when she waits outside the Dursleys’ house until Dumbledore comes.

Smith successfully develops her character in this Sorcerer’s Stone moment, demonstrating her concern for those she cares about and their loved ones – in this case, the Potters.

McGonagall advises Dumbledore not to leave Harry with his Muggle relatives since she believes they are unfit to raise him. And she is correct, despite not knowing Dumbledore’s true intentions for delivering Harry to the Dursleys.

McGonagall’s transition from a cat to a person and her fear that Hagrid will not safely transport Harry to his destination illustrate her character’s characteristics.

She is responsible, competent, and a bit critical, which Smith beautifully depicts. This is the first of many fantastic scenes with Smith as McGonagall, and they only grow better as she becomes more comfortable in the role.

Maggie Smith's 10 Greatest Moments As Professor McGonagall In Harry Potter Explained
Maggie Smith in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone | Source: IMDb

9. Professor McGonagall’s First Transfiguration Class

Movie: Harry Potter & The Sorcerer’s Stone

Professor McGonagall is Hogwarts’ Transfiguration teacher, and the Golden Trio’s first session demonstrates her skill for the topic and her no-nonsense approach to teaching.

McGonagall changes from a cat to a person at the start of this session, and the students are astounded by her skill. Smith completely displayed her character’s authority at this point and immediately demonstrated McGonagall’s formidable nature.

As Harry and Ron are late for class, McGonagall gives them quite the attitude upon arrival. Ron’s flattery doesn’t sway her, and while she isn’t fully mean or cruel about her scolding, she ensures they won’t be late to class again.

Smith’s ability to show off her character’s stern side without making her unlikable is a testament to her acting talents. Other scenes showcase both sides of McGonagall even better, but this is a strong start for her.

8. “Why Is It Always You Three?”

Movie: Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince

Smith nailed McGonagall’s more serious moments, but she also understood how to show off her humorous abilities. Many of her best moments at Hogwarts have her delivering witty one-liners.

One of McGonagall’s most memorable comments appears in Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince when she challenges the Golden Trio about why they are constantly at the center of whatever problem is brewing at the school.

She makes a valid point, and the line is delivered hilariously. However, it demonstrates how much she cares for her students.

7. Professor McGonagall Dancing With Ron Weasley Before The Yule Ball

Movie: Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire

One of McGonagall’s funniest scenes in the Harry Potter films occurs in Goblet of Fire when she informs the Gryffindor students about the Yule Ball.

This encounter begins with comedy, as she warns the members of her Hogwarts house that they cannot act like “a babbling, bumbling band of baboons.” The fact that Smith maintained a straight face during this speech was another testament to her acting ability.

McGonagall also insists on giving the students a dancing lesson after her speech, and she forces Ron Weasley to demonstrate alongside her. Ron is humiliated, but he earns it by talking while his teacher is speaking.

And McGonagall enjoys tormenting him, even if she doesn’t say it aloud. Smith’s expression is enough to convey this, making McGonagall an even better character.

Maggie Smith's 10 Greatest Moments As Professor McGonagall In Harry Potter Explained
Maggie Smith, David Bradley, and Rupert Grint in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire | Source: IMDb

6. Professor McGonagall Recommending Harry Potter For The Quidditch Team

Movie: Harry Potter & The Sorcerer’s Stone

Flattery may not win Professor McGonagall over after a session of rule-breaking, but the thought of Gryffindor winning Quidditch is another story.

During Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, McGonagall sees Harry flying his broomstick after Madam Hooch clearly instructs the students to remain stationary.

Harry is protecting Neville, but that is not why McGonagall is lenient. Recognizing his flying abilities, she suggests him to the Gryffindor Quidditch team rather than punishing him.

This was one of those scenes where Smith expertly blended her character’s strict side with her more playful and empathetic side. When McGonagall initially retrieves Harry from the Quidditch pitch, she appears enraged.

However, her excitement over finding a Seeker soon overshadows that, highlighting how invested McGonagall is in Gryffindor House. The Harry Potter series has even sweeter moments, but this is pretty great.

5. Giving Harry Potter His Nimbus 2000

Movie: Harry Potter & The Sorcerer’s Stone

Unlike numerous other Hogwarts instructors, McGonagall tries not to favor any of her students, although in Sorcerer’s Stone, she does a subtle favor for Harry.

After suggesting he join the Gryffindor Quidditch team, she discreetly delivers a Nimbus 2000 to him. And although she doesn’t openly take credit for the gift, she makes eye contact with Harry and pets Hedwig once it’s delivered.

Although brief, this scene perfectly depicts McGonagall’s softer side.

Smith captured that twinkle in her eye well, showing she could bend the rules when she wanted to. It’s one of her best moments with Harry, though it doesn’t compare to some of her most epic action moments or her most comedic scenes.

4. Siding With Professor Trelawney Over Dolores Umbridge

McGonagall remains dubious of Professor Trelawney’s seer powers and Divination as a subject, and she is open about it throughout Harry Potter.

However, McGonagall has her fellow Hogwarts professor’s back when it comes down to it. When Dolores Umbridge fires Professor Trelawney amid the Hogwarts courtyard, McGonagall is the first to intervene and support her. It’s a brave move, especially since Umbridge is keen to eliminate everyone who isn’t loyal and submissive.

When McGonagall tells Umbridge that “there are many things I’d like to say,” she maintains her calm — but thanks to Smith, you can hear the anguish and anger in her voice.

It’s a surprisingly emotional moment, made much greater by Dumbledore putting Umbridge in her place. This sequence highlights Smith’s acting and McGonagall’s honesty, but it isn’t as epic as the character’s best Battle of Hogwarts scenes.

3. Telling Neville Longbottom & Seamus Finnegan, They Can Blow Things Up

Movie: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 2

When the Battle of Hogwarts begins, Professor McGonagall seizes leadership, rushing to safeguard the castle and its pupils. Her favorite three Harry Potter scenes are based on the Deathly Hallows Part 2 conflict, one of which is quite hilarious.

As the teachers and students start to secure the castle, McGonagall goes alongside Neville Longbottom and Seamus Finnegan. Neville asks her eagerly whether they can blow stuff up, and she confirms that he is correct. “To blow it up?” “Boom?” Neville asks. The delivery of McGonagall’s “Boom!” is humorous and accurate.

Smith again captured McGonagall’s fun and naughty side in this sequence, and she went above and beyond with McGonagall’s subsequent line. When Neville inquires about how they should proceed, she advises him to “confer with Mr. Finnegan,” who has “a particular proclivity for pyrotechnics.”

Those who have followed Seamus’ Hogwarts lessons for years understand why this sentence and its delivery are so excellent. However, no matter how beautiful this scene is, it cannot compare to McGonagall’s brave protection of her students.

Maggie Smith's 10 Greatest Moments As Professor McGonagall In Harry Potter Explained
Maggie Smith in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) | Source: IMDb

2. Professor McGonagall Protecting Harry From Snape

Movie: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 2

Before the Battle of Hogwarts kicks off in earnest, Snape and the Death Eaters within the castle announce a search for Harry Potter. When Harry reveals himself, Snape raises his wand and Professor McGonagall quickly pushes Harry aside to fight Snape herself.

It’s one of the character’s strongest moments in the Harry Potter series, and Smith plays it brilliantly. Her expression tells you that McGonagall won’t let any harm come to her students on her watch. It’s what makes her a great teacher and Harry Potter character.

The Harry Potter movies rarely show her amid the action, so this scene is big for her. It shows why McGonagall is so respected and proves she’s not a character to trifle with. Smith knew exactly how to make her character fearsome, and the result left viewers cheering in theaters when Deathly Hallows Part 2 came out.

1. Securing The Castle During The Battle Of Hogwarts

Movie: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 2

There is only one McGonagall moment finer than her argument with Snape, which comes from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. While her meeting with Snape demonstrates McGonagall’s fierceness, her scene protecting Hogwarts emphasizes this while capturing other aspects of her character.

It’s a thrill to witness McGonagall issue commands and summon the castle’s defenses because it demonstrates how capable and composed she is even when a fight looms.

However, McGonagall is more than just a formidable opponent in this scene. When she rallies Hogwarts’ statues, she excitedly announces that she “always wanted to use that spell,” with Smith injecting humor and charm into the scene.

Her top duty is to defend the school; thus this is also a poignant scene for McGonagall. It’s her most memorable and greatest scene in Harry Potter, and Smith will be remembered warmly for bringing it to life.

About Harry Potter

Harry Potter is a film series based on the eponymous novel series by J. K. Rowling. The series is distributed by Warner Bros. and consists of eight fantasy films, beginning with Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and culminating with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2.

The film series follows Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, and his journey to take down the evil wizard Lord Voldemort and save Hogwarts, the Wizarding School he attended, with his best friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.

The series was mainly produced by David Heyman, and stars Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson as the three leading characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger.

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