While venturing out into the Black Forest in Valheim, chances are you’ve come across a big blue monster. That my friend is the Troll you need to beat. He is indeed as powerful as he looks and can easily kill you with just one shot. But with a few tips and tricks up your sleeves, you can easily take on this giant blue enemy.
If you’re playing Valheim with friends then all of you can gang up on the Troll and attack continuously. This way it takes less time and you and your friends can take turns on aggravating the monster while also clearing out the Greydwarfs chasing.
But if you’re solo-ing the game, it gets a little tricky. You need quick maneuvers and a leveled up Bow and quite a bit of arrows. Believe it or not, you can take down the Troll with just bow and arrows. So, before you try to scope out its location, it’s best to make them if you haven’t already.
1. How to Make Bow and Arrows in Valheim?

A standard Crude Bow can be made using 8 leather scraps and 10 wood. Flinthead arrows are made in the Workbench using 8 wood, 2 flint, and 2 feather. One time crafting gives 20 flinthead arrows.
Rather than opting for the normal wood arrows, flinthead arrows are much more of an economical choice. They do 27 damage as compared to wood arrow’s mere 7-14 damage rate.
With your new Bow and arrows, try to hunt some deer and boars or even Greydwarfs to increase your archery skill before taking on the Troll.
You can also try and make fire arrows which are useful and much more efficient in causing more damage to the enemy.
2. How to Make Fire Arrows?
Fire arrows are made using 8 resin, 8 wood, and 2 feathers. Resin is dropped by Greylings upon killing them.
Now, with your shiny new Bow and handful of arrows, head on over to the Black Forest to face the Troll.

3. How to Find Troll in Valheim?

A big, blue Troll will spawn inside or near the Black Forest after Eikthyr, the first boss is successfully defeated. They can be anywhere inside the forest but can be easily spotted due to their large stature.
Trolls are also found inside Troll caves deep in the Black Forest.
You are likely to stumble upon the Troll when you go into the Black Forest. If you get close to its hitting radius, just try to quickly dodge away since its one strike can do a lot of damage to your health bar.
Once you spot the Troll and it starts chasing you, time to defeat it once and for all.
4. How to Defeat a Troll in Valheim?

To defeat the Troll, players need to shoot it with fire arrows or flinthead arrows while also maintaining a safe distance. It’s also best to avoid dense forest areas where the Troll can knock down trees easily.
When you are shooting arrows, make sure to dodge any rocks thrown at you and run away from any Greydwarfs that might try to attack. Also, it’s better to not run all the time and waste stamina. Use it only when the Troll gets really close to you.
It will take a bit of time to successfully take down the Troll with arrows but it will get the job done without you getting in harm’s way. After the Troll is defeated you can pick up its Troll Hide and use it to make troll leather tunic and pants.
You can always go back to the troll caves and take on the Troll once again.
5. About Valheim
Developed by Iron Gate AB, Valheim is an online open-world Survival craft co-op game. Here, players will control dead Vikings and fight Odin’s ancient enemies and monsters.
In order to enter paradise, players will have to please Odin and prove their worth to the allfather.
The journey will not be easy as at every step, the danger of supernatural entities will loom. Players will have to venture out, explore various landforms, craft, and get stronger.
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