EA and BioWare’s Mass Effect Legendary Edition dropped worldwide last month to generally favorable reviews. The title brought a current-gen remaster of the original trilogy, which included improved textures, character models, and effects, along with many new features for fans to play around with.
However, one thing that the developers didn’t get right was the edition’s localization features, which has prevented players from enjoying the game as per their preferences.
For reasons unknown, Legendary Edition does not allow you to combine voice-overs and subtitles separately, which is a big deal for many players, many of whom are from Russia, Poland, Portugal, and Brazil. While there are unofficial fixes available for players on PC, console players continue to suffer and have been quite vocal about their need for a fix. And it seems that the developers have finally listened.

According to EA_Cekiel, a Community Manager on the EA Answers HQ website, Mass Effect Legendary Edition will recieve an official patch this month that will fix these localization issues. They also added that the patch would bring other improvements, including the possibility for players to choose an English language voice-over along with subtitles of their choice.
However, it’s important to note that neither has BioWare announced this patch officially nor have the developers detailed what other issues the supposed patch will address. We’d advise that you keep your eyes on news online as it’s likely that more details will surface over the next few days.
Mass Effect Legendary Edition’s localization issues have caused problems for many players and garnered serious discussion online. Many fans claim it’s impossible to enjoy the game with the currently existing Russian or Polish dubs, and community support forums are flooded with countless complaints. Additionally, this wasn’t the only issue that players had to deal with: the game also came with a game-breaking bug on the Xbox Series X, which has, thankfully, now been fixed.

However, EA and BioWare’s silence on the game’s issues has cost them. Mass Effect Legendary Edition has a pitiable user score of 4.6/10 on Metacritic due to review bombs that were deployed by fans themselves.
About Mass Effect: Legendary Edition
The first three original games of the franchise: Mass Effect(2007), Mass Effect 2(2010), and Mass Effect 3(2012), will be fused together. The outcome of this amalgamation will be known as Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. These classic games of the past will be given a modern touch.
To make this game a fit for the modern hardware, Mass Effect Legendary Edition will carry a plethora of enhancements. Expect to see a game with improved revamped dynamic shadows, volumetrics, textures, redesigned character models, depth-of-field, etc.
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