With the release of episode 12 of Mob Psycho 100 last week, fans are confused whether this is actually the end of what some believed to be a pretty anti-climactic season – especially after the plot and action heavy season 2.
But if you’re a Mob Psycho 100 fan, you know that this series isn’t your typical Shonen. Mob Psycho 100 is 100% character-driven – and it sticks to this premise until the end.
Mob Psycho 100 season 3 is finished with 12 episodes. It completed its original run on December 22, 2022, with the final episode, “Confession ~To the Future~” marking not just the end of season 3, but the end of the Mob Psycho anime series.

Will there be a season 4 of Mob Psycho 100? Is the Mob Psycho manga over?
Season 3 is the end of Mob Psycho 100 and there will not be a season 4 since all the chapters of the source material have been adapted.
The Mob Psycho anime is based on the manga series by One, which was completed in 2017. The final episode 12 animates the final chapters, 100 and 101.

One’s Mob Psycho 100 manga series consists of 101 chapters and was released between 2012 to 2018 as 16 tankobon volumes in Shogakukan’s Ura Sunday and MangaOne. One also created a spin-off series called Mob Psycho 100: Reigen, which was serialized in 2018.
Season 3 of Mob Psycho adapts the Divine Tree arc (chapters 92-97), the Telepathy mini-arc (chapter 98), the ???% arc (chapters 99-100), and the epilogue (chapter 101).
Although a season 4 is out of the question, there is room for a spin-off original video animation that can adapt Reigen. The Reigen spin-off takes place between chapters 100 and 101, and is of course, based on everyone’s favorite Mob Psycho character, Arataka Reigen. Studio Bones – let’s go!

How does Mob Psycho end? Season 3 Ending Explained
Mob Psycho 100 ends with Mob coming face to face with the part of himself that was created as a result of him bottling up his emotions over the years. This version is ???% Mob, who becomes autonomous when Mob is knocked unconscious by a speeding car.
Mob Psycho is that show where the main character is so overpowered, that he himself is the final boss.

The final episode is a masterful portrayal of Mob’s battle with himself and accepting who he truly is.
Shigeo Kageyama first exploded with his true power in his childhood, which ended up scarring Ritsu. On top of this, his crush, Tsubomi, was never impressed with his powers. This led to Mob supressing his power, and with it, his emotions.
Emotions and psychic power are intricately intertwined in the series and this is shown to its full capacity is episode 12.
???% Mob reveals that it is he who is really in love with Tsubomi because she is the only one who was never afraid of him.
She accepted him whole-heartedly when they were small, not treating him differently because of his power. ???% Mob threatens to take over all of Mob, staying in the all-powerful version forever.
As ???% Mob rampages through the city, we get appearances from all the characters we’ve come to love over the series. These include Teruki Hanazawa, Sho Suzuki, Toichiro Suzuki, the Body Improvement Club, the Telepathy Club, Ritsu, Katsuya Serizawa, Dimple, and Reigen.
All the characters complete their full character arcs, which leads to Mob completing his. The most relevant character growth – and the one that snaps Mob back to himself – is that of Reigen.

Reigen, despite having no powers, fights with pure will and might to confront Mob. With the help of Dimple, Reigen is able to stop Mob and convince him to hear him out.
???% Mob believes that out of all the people, Reigen is the very worst, because he took advantage of Mob’s powers and used him for his own benefit.
In the scene that wrecked every fan’s heart, Reigen confesses to Mob that he is a fraud, that he’s been lying to him all along, using Mob’s psychic power because he had none of his own. Reigen apologizes to him, voicing the truth for the very first time.
Reigen tells Mob what he has always told him, that having powers doesn’t make him special. He also tells him that everyone has a side of themselves that they do not like – for him, it is the side that lies and takes advantage of people. But he realizes that if he had never lied, Mob would never have entered his life and stayed with him.
This leads him to prove that even the darker, despicable side of him must be accepted, because it is still a part of him.
Hearing this, Mob realigns with himself. Leaving Reigen and Dimple, he takes the one flower left from his bouquet to tell Tsubomi how he feels.
In true One fashion, Tsubomi rejects him. The reasoning is solid – she just doesn’t feel the same way for him – yet. She wants to get to know him properly, and now that Mob has finally accepted himself, he actually has a chance at being accepted with and without his powers.
Does Mob lose his powers in the end?
At the end of the anime and manga, it is explicitly made clear that Mob refrains from using his powers. This does not mean that he has lost them; simply that he won’t use them for trivial matters.
When a cat is stuck on a pole, Mob prefers to try and rescue it by climbing up the pole instead of simply using his powers. Apart from lending comedic value, this scene shows that Mob has grown physically as well as matured emotionally.
At the end of the series, Shigeo Kageyama is perpetually at 100% – or technically, without any % at all. The % explosion scale indicated how close Mob was to giving in to his emotions. Now that he has accepted ???% – or the version that existed because of the emotions he held back, Mob won’t have to ever be afraid of them taking over.
Mob cries and laughs freely in the finale, showing that he isn’t afraid to be fully who he is. This is 100% Mob.

About Mob Psycho 100
Mob Psycho 100 is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by ONE. It was serialized on Shogakukan’s Ura Sunday website from April 2012 to December 2017.
Mob Psycho 100 is a story about a young middle-school boy, Shigeo Kageyama, a.k.a Mob, a powerful esper. Mob is determined to live a normal life and keeps his ESP suppressed.
But when his emotions surge to a level of 100%, all his powers are let loose. As he is surrounded by false espers, evil spirits, and mysterious organizations, what will Mob think? What choices will he make?
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