The anime Kakushigoto: My Dad’s Secret Ambition is a brilliantly crafted tale of a father’s vehement love for his daughter. Based on a manga originally written by Kouiji Kumeta, the anime started getting aired from April 2, 2020, amidst the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It has amassed a huge following because of the relatable anxieties of a parent, albeit exaggerated for comical effect. Interspersed with elements of comedy and drama, the anime is an entertaining watch that creeps up on you.
1. Quick Review
The anime is a poignant take on a father’s love for his daughter. Although exaggerated for comical relief, his anxieties and fears about his profession being revealed to his daughter, who is kept aloof, are beautifully highlighted.
The character of Kakushi Gotou is such a beautifully designed character. So is the little girl’s character. The pristine father-daughter relationship as the focal point of the plot drives the anime to greater heights and gives it immense emotional depth.
2. Is it worth watching?
The anime is an entertaining watch with a beautiful and unique premise. Also, the slightly quirky animation that looks quite different from other mainstream anime is an advantage to its storytelling.
The animation, landscaping, and art style of Kakushigoto: My Dad’s Secret Ambition are well-drawn and add aesthetic appeal to its plot.
I. Plot
The plot of the anime revolves around the struggles of the protagonist, Kakushi Gotou, as he vehemently strives to hide his “shameful” secret from his beloved daughter.
The secret he finds shameful is that he writes and draws ecchi manga (one of the titles of his manga is “Balls of Fury”), usually lewd and sexually suggestive content for an adult audience.

For this purpose, he deliberately has his office located on the other side of town and strictly forbids her from ever venturing there. He also has his assistants trained in the emergency protocol in case his daughter happens to turn up there, despite the numerous precautions taken.
However, much to his disappointment, his elaborate precautions don’t stop his daughter from coming close to finding out in many episodes. A huge part of the anime deals with him going to any length in a humorous way to prevent the revelation of his secret.
The pacing of the plot is good, in a way that doesn’t overwhelm you with too much information. It is replete with a lot of comedic and overly dramatic scenes, which are all connected to his ardent desire not to let his secret out.
The plot is slightly reminiscent of an anime called Bunny Drop, which also explores the intricacies of father-daughter relationships in a poignant way.
Its premise is unique and innovative. But it doesn’t compromise at all on the quality and execution of the plot. For this, the anime should be commended and praised.
II. Characters
The plot revolves around the two main characters of daughter and father. Both of them love each other deeply. Even though the central focus is provided to the father’s love for his daughter, it also gives glimpses into the daughter’s perspective: that of admiration and awe for her father.

The father’s desire to stop her daughter from knowing his “dirty” secret lead to extremely humorous situations, as he starts micromanaging everything to the T and handling his particularly stressful work at the same time.
Though his convictions are flawed and ridiculous at times, his character grows on you and is a very relatable and beautiful character. His humorous antics and dramatic gestures can be found in plenty in the anime and are extremely delightful to watch.
3. Final Thoughts
The anime is worth watching. It has its moments of sheer emotional depth and humor. It effortlessly switches and shifts between the two. For succeeding at this aspect, the anime definitely deserves some brownie points!

Its approach to showing the love of a father for his daughter with lots of humor is creative and refreshing. We undoubtedly need more stories like this one. Also, its unique art style and animation are dazzling, and a treat for the eye and have immense aesthetic value.
4. Grade
5. Info Card
Air Date: April 2, 2020- PresentStatus: OngoingStudio: Ajia- do Animation WorksNo. of Seasons: 1No. of Episodes: 126. Watch Order
A watch order for this anime isn’t necessary.
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