Gintama is a wildly popular anime of the action-comedy genre. Based off of a Manga written by Hideaki Sorachi, this anime released its first episode in 2006. The manga, which ended in June 2019, inspired 367 episodes in total.
Hulu is going to stream the first season of Gintama in an English Dubbed variation, starting 1st December. The dub will cover the first 49 episodes of the anime, with TV Tokyo as the licensor.
This is quite big as these episodes have not been released in an English Dub format ever before. The series has received an English Dub for episodes 266-316, which are regarded as the third season of the anime. The English dub of episodes 266-316 is available for streaming on Crunchyroll and Funimation.
Gintama has an upcoming anime film, 2 films already released, various OVAs and 2 live-action films. However, this is the first time the first season of the anime will be getting a dub. The voice cast has not been announced yet; however, it is a fascinating development for Gintama fans as the show is just that good.
About Gintama:
The story is set in an alternate-history late-Edo period, where humanity is attacked by aliens called “Amanto”. Edo Japan’s samurai fight to defend Earth, but the shōgun cowardly surrenders when he realizes the aliens’ power. He agrees to an unequal contract with the aliens, placing a ban on carrying swords in public and allowing the invaders to enter the country. The samurai’s swords are confiscated, and the Tokugawa bakufu becomes a puppet government. The series focuses on an eccentric samurai, Gintoki Sakata who works as an odd-jobs freelancer. Although the story is mostly episodic, a few story arcs and recurring antagonists develop.
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