The world of Hogwarts Legacy is rich, teeming with life, magic, secrets and puzzles. The gigantic world of Hogwarts is impossible to explore on foot, which is why brooms are required. Brooms will make exploration much easier and get you to places within a matter of seconds.
In Hogwarts Legacy, you cannot pull out your brooms while in No-Fly Zones, indicated on your HUD showing a bird with a cross through it. Once you’re outside, you can equip the broom by holding LB/L1/Tab (Xbox,PS,PC) and pressing B/o/3.
You can dive with your broom as well. Simply point your character towards the ground and activate your broom’s speed boost (assigned to L2, LT, or Left Mouse). This gives you a temporary speed boost.
How do you get a broom in Hogwarts Legacy?

You can obtain a broom after completing the Jackdaw’s Rest quest. Completing this mission will give you the opportunity to participate in a Flying Class on grounds outside Hogwarts. Finishing your Flying Class will give you the option to purchase a broom from Spintwitches Sporting Needs in Hogsmeade.
If you try to go to Spintwitches Sporting Needs in Hogsmeade before completing your Flying Class, you’ll notice that the shop is closed. There’s a wide selection of brooms available and each broom sets you back 600 Gold.
How do you upgrade your broom in Hogwarts Legacy?

Purchasing your first broom will unlock the side quest, Flight Test, which challenges you to a time trial from Iselda Reyes. Once you’ve beaten Iselda’s record, report to Mr. Weekes to complete the quest. After some time, you’ll get a message through the Owl Post notifying you that the broom upgrade is ready.
The first broom upgrade costs 1,000 Gold with the subsequent ones costing more. You can complete two more of Iselda’s time trials in order to unlock the final two broom upgrades for purchase. You can start the quests for the final two upgrades by speaking to Mr. Weekes.
About Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world RPG from Avalanche Studio. The game places the player in the wizarding school of Hogwarts, allowing them to witness the iconic locations as a character other than Harry Potter.
The game has an expansive map that makes the game very immersive, even for people who are yet to read the books or watched the movie.
The mysterious, gripping storyline, with the vast areas to explored, either on foot or broomstick, makes it even more real life.
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