Xenoverse 2 is reputed for having fairly easy battles for players to play, but sometimes, your opponents might turn out to be tougher than you had expected.
If the punches you are landing barely scratch the mighty Frieza or terrifying Mira, it’s high time to start using other playable characters from your roster. However, to use the playable characters, you need to unlock them first.
Most of the free playable characters in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 can be unlocked by completing the story mode of the game, wishing to Shenron, and finishing the Parallel Quests with an Ultimate Finish. Meanwhile, other characters can be unlocked by purchasing DLCs.
Here’s how you can unlock every character that exists in Xenoverse 2.
1. Characters unlocked through Story Mode
After finishing every mission in a particular saga of story mode, you will unlock certain characters. Check out what missions you must complete to chronologically unlock all the story mode characters.
I. Saiyan Saga

After defeating Raditz, and getting the custom partner key in raid quests, you unlock the following characters: Future Warrior, Goku, Gohan (Kid), Piccolo, Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, Saibaman, Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta, and Jaco
II. Namek Saga
After completing ‘Frieza’s Aides: Zarbon and Dodoria’: Zarbon
After battling against Dodoria with the help of Vegeta in ‘Careful Vegeta! Dodoria in Pursuit’: Dodoria
III. Ginyu Force Saga
After completing ‘All Together Now! The Ginyu Force’: Guldo, Recoome,
After completing ‘It’s Goku!- Nefarious Plans Afoot’: Burter, Jeice,
After completing ‘Return My Body! Trunks Blunder’: Captain Ginyu
IV. Frieza Saga

After completing ‘Buy Some Time! Nail’s Frantic Fight’: Nail and Frieza (First Form)
After completing ‘Evil Ambitions – Turles and Slug’:Turles and Lord Slug
After completing ‘Goku’s Rage – Birth of a Super Saiyan’: Frieza (Final Form)
After completing ‘The Final Battle! Two Powers Fade’: Frieza (Full Power) and Cooler (Fourth Form)
V. Cell Saga

After completing ‘Strategic Uncertainty – The Android Cell’: Android 16, Android 17, Android 18, Cell (First Form)
After completing ‘Awake Gohan! Unleash Your Hidden Power’: Cell Jr.
After completing ‘Revived! A Power Level of 10 Billion’: Metal Cooler
After completing ‘Father to Son – The Last Kamehameha’: Gohan (Teen) and Cell (Full Power)
VI. History of Trunks Saga
After completing ‘Fight for Hope! Future Warrior Gohan’: Gohan Future
After completing ‘Trunks: The Last Fighter’: Trunks (Future), Cell (Perfect)
VII. Buu Saga

After completing ‘Out of my Way! Life or Death Battle’: Majin Vegeta, Majin Buu, Legendary Super Saiyan Broly
After completing ‘Buu’s Snacks! Majin Buu Attacks’: Gotenks
After completing three out of five missions in Buu’s Saga: Gohan (Adult), Super Buu, Legendary Super Saiyan Broly Supervillain
After completing ‘Angel from the Underworld, Janemba’: Janemba
After completing the final mission in Buu Saga: Kid Buu
VIII. Beerus Saga
After completing ‘Pudding Problem: Beerus’ Fury’: God of Destruction, Beerus
IX. Resurrection of F Saga

After completing ‘Emperor of Dread Returns’: Appule and Raspberry
After completing ‘Golden Frieza – The Nemesis’s Revenge’: Golden Frieza
After completing ‘Fraternal Fight – The Brothers Return’: Super Saiyan Blue Goku (SSGSS Goku), Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta (SSGSS Vegeta), Golden Frieza Supervillain, Metal Cooler Supervillain
After completing ‘Time to Train! Whis’s Whimsy’: Whis
X. Bardock, The Masked Saiyan Saga

After completing ‘Bardock, The Masked Saiyan’: Bardock, Masked Saiyan, Mira
After completing ‘Final Battle! Re-Righting History’: Towa, Mira Supervillain
XI. Unknown History Ending
You can unlock SS3 Bardock Battlesuit 4 by getting the Unknown History Ending.
2. Characters unlocked through Parallel Quests
To unlock characters through parallel quests, you must complete the story mode of Xenoverse 2 and the parallel quests which come before the parallel quests of unlockable characters.
Cell (Full Power) Supervillain: Complete Parallel Quest 90 with Ultimate Finish by clearing it in under 10 minutes and defeating revived Frieza, Majin Buu, and Cell.
Vegito: Complete Parallel Quest 91.
Goku (GT), Trunks (GT): Complete Parallel Quest 92 with Ultimate Finish clearing it in under 5 minutes and beating Goku.
Super Saiyan 4 Goku, Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta, Pan: Clear Parallel Quest 93.
Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta: Complete Parallel Quest 94 with Ultimate Finish by clearing the quest in under 5 minutes and beating Gogeta, Eis, Nuova, and Omega Shenron.
Super 17: Complete Parallel Quest 95 with Ultimate Finish by beating a revived Super 17 with Goku surviving the battle.
Omega Shenron Supervillain: Complete Parallel Quest 96 with Ultimate Finish by defeating all the enemies and keeping all your allies alive.
Cooler (Final Form): Complete Parallel Quest 25 with Ultimate Finish by defeating Metal Cooler in under 5 minutes.

Trunks (Kid), Goten: Complete Parallel Quest 48 by defeating all enemies in under 5 minutes.
Great Saiyaman: Unlock Parallel Quest 51 by talking to Great Saiyaman 1 and Great Saiyaman 2 near the beach. Clear the PQ by beating revived Cell and Frieza with Great Saiyaman still alive.
Great Saiyaman 2: Complete Parallel Quest 53 by defeating all Saibamen and Majin Buu.

Hercule, Videl: Talk to Kid Trunks in Conton City to unlock Parallel Quest 56. Clear it with Ultimate Finish.
Janemba Supervillain, Super Gogeta: Complete Parallel Quest 57 by defeating Janemba and fusing Goku and Vegeta together successfully.
Kid Buu Supervillain: Complete Parallel Quest 60 by keeping Majin Buu alive and defeating revived Kid Buu.
Yamcha Supervillain: Complete Parallel Quest 86 by defeating Yamcha in under 5 minutes. He has incredibly high defense, so make sure you take a character who can break through his defense.
Super Saiyan God Goku: Complete Parallel Quest 67 in under 3 minutes by defeating a revived Goku.
3. Characters unlocked through Shenron’s Wishes
There are four characters you can unlock by summoning Shenron and making the ‘I want more usable characters!’ wish.

First wish: Hit, Awoken Hit (if you have DLC 1 from DB Super Pack 1)
Second wish: Eis Shenron
Third wish: Nuova Shenron
Fourth and final wish: Omega Shenron
4. Characters unlocked through DLCs
Some characters are accessible only through DLCs and aren’t free to play.
I. DB Super DLCs

Frost, Cabba: Unlocked by purchasing DB Super Pack 1/DLC 1 or DB Super Pass.
God of Destruction Champa, Vados: Unlocked by purchasing DB Super Pack 2 or DB Super Pass.
Bojack, Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black, Zamasu Base Form: Unlocked by purchasing DB Super Pack 3 or DB Super Pass.
Fused Zamasu, Super Saiyan Blue Vegito (SSGSS Vegito): Unlocked by purchasing DB Super Pack 4 or DB Super Pass.
II. DB Extra DLCs

Majin Buu (Gohan Absorbed), Android 13, Dabura, Tapion: Unlocked by purchasing Extra DLC Pack 1/DLC 6.
Android 17 (DB Super), Jiren, Ultra Instinct Goku, Fu: Unlocked by purchasing Extra DLC Pack 2.
Kefla (Super Saiyan), Super Baby Vegeta 2: Unlocked by purchasing Extra DLC Pack 3.
Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta (SSGSS Gogeta), Full Power Super Saiyan Broly from Dragon Ball Super Broly: Unlocked by purchasing Extra DLC Pack 4.
III. DB Ultra DLCs
Ribrianne, Super Saiyan Blue Evolution Vegeta, Super Saiyan God Vegeta: Unlocked by purchasing Ultra Pack 1 or Ultra Pack Set.
Majuub, Android 21: Unlocked by purchasing Ultra Pack 2 or Ultra Pack Set.
IV. DB Legendary DLCs

Pikkon, God of Destruction Toppo: Unlocked by purchasing Legendary Pack 1 or Legendary Pack Set.
Jiren (Full Power), Gogeta (DB Super), Caulifla (Super Saiyan 2), and Kale (Super Saiyan 2): Unlocked by purchasing Legendary Pack 2 or Legendary Pack Set.
5. Characters unlocked through special methods
The following characters don’t fit into any particular category and are accessible only through special means or quests.
Goku Black Base Form: By buying the pre-order bonus pack
Dragon Ball Super Future Trunks: Get Xenoverse 2 normal ending in story mode
Supreme Kai of Time: Clear the story mode, then talk to Trunks near the Conton City tournament area. Fight twice in the tournament to get Supreme Kai. However, this event comes by in Xenoverse 2 only once every two months or so.

Fused Zamasu (Half-Corrupted), Demon God Demigra, Mira (Final Form): Clear the Frieza Saga first and Crystal Raid tutorial by Fu. Head over to TP Medal Shop and go to ‘Gift’ section. Buy the characters as a gift and give them to Fu.
6. About Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball, Akira Toriyama’s brainchild, came into existence in 1984. It has spawned several manga, anime, films, and other media adaptations.
The initial series follows Son Goku and his adventures when he was a child. It is here that we are first introduced to Goku as he meets Bulma, Yamcha, and others.
He trains in martial arts and participates in the World Martial Arts Championship for the first time in this series.
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