As you progress through your journey in Hogwarts Legacy, you’re going to come across many Merlin Challenges or Trials. These are basically circular platforms that react when Mallowsweet is placed upon them. Solving these puzzles will help you in upgrading your character’s abilities.
In order to unlock these Merlin Trials, you’ll need to first complete the side quest called “Trials of Merlin”. Worry not as the quest will be available pretty early on in the game.
Each Merlin Trial will have its own way of solving but all of them will fall under 9 different types of puzzles. There are over 100s of Merlin Trials, but they’ll all fall under the same 9 types which require specific spells to solve. All of them will be listed below.
Use Revelio to locate puzzle parts and don’t stray away from the Trial platform itself otherwise the part you solved will be reset, so keep that in mind. With that information out of the way, here are all the 9 Merlin Trial types:
1. Statue Repair Merlin Trial

What you need to do is essentially locate destroyed statues using Revelio near the Merlin Trial platform. After that, go up to each of the broken statues and repair them using the Reparo spell.
2. Sphere Smashing Merlin Trial

In these challenges, you’ll notice three groupings of stone spheres or balls on raised pedestals. What you need to do is find these spheres and blast them using Confringo.
3. Platform Across Stones Merlin Trial

You’ll know it’s one of these challenges when you come across a line of stone platforms with a bit of purple shimmer to them when the Merlin Trial is activated. What you need to do is jump on all the stones like a platformer but keep in mind that the challenge will reset if you fall over. To cross stones which are far apart, run before jumping to gain speed.
4. Cube Symbol Alignment Merlin Trial

In this type of challenge, you’ll come across totems made of two cube stones stacked upon each other. What you need to do is use Flipendo from the correct angles in order to match the symbol of the top cube with the bottom one. You’ll have to do this for three of these stone stacks in the area.
5. Exploding Stones Merlin Trial

In this type of Merlin Trials, you’ll notice cracked stones with green highlights. There are five of these in the area and what you have to do is destroy these using either Confringo or Incendio.
6. Brazier Lighting Merlin Trial

Around this type of Merlin Trials, you’ll notice three fire braziers. What you have to do is light the three fire braziers using Confringo before they’re doused in water. To finish the trial, all of them need to be lit. Do the braziers on the shorter pedestals at the end to light them all quickly.
7. Rolling Stone Into Bowl Merlin Trial

In this type of challenge, you’ll have to move a large stone ball so that it lands in a stone bowl nearby using Accio and/or Depulso. It’s worth noting that the ball will disappear and reappear in the place you found it if you move it too far from the area.
8. Moth Lighting Merlin Trial

In this type of challenge, stones will be involved with crystals inside of them. What you have to do is put a moth in each one. Cast Lumos near the blue moths then lead the moths to three separate stones to complete the puzzle.
9. Stacking Stone Orbs Merlin Trial

In this type of challenge, what you need to do is stack a group of five small stone orbs onto platforms. Usually, you’ll find three of these in an area.
These are the 9 types of Merlin Trials you’ll come across in your journey throughout Hogwarts Legacy. Now all you need to do is go out there and make Merlin proud.
10. About Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world RPG from Avalanche Studio. The game places the player in the wizarding school of Hogwarts, allowing them to witness the iconic locations as a character other than Harry Potter.
The game has an expansive map that makes the game very immersive, even for people who are yet to read the books or watched the movie.
The mysterious, gripping storyline, with the vast areas to explored, either on foot or broomstick, makes it even more real life.
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