How to Solve Every Puzzle in Atlantis Fisch? Roblox Guide

Atlantis in Fisch is known for its mysteries and tricky puzzles. Of course, the puzzles reward you with a pot of gold at the end but sometimes, you might face a little trouble solving them. So, here’s a complete guide on how to complete the puzzles in Atlantis in Fisch.

There are four trials and five clock wheel puzzles in Atlantis. There are quite a few so make sure you’re strapped in and ready to go!


Zeus | Source: In-Game Screenshot

Zeus Trials

Firstly, you need to finish the Red Light, Green Light and Glass Stepping Stones mini-games. Once done, four-digit numbers at the end of the obstacle course. This is the code to the Zeus vault. 

Combine these numbers and enter the code to open the vault. You can find the Zeus rod, Zeus totem, and the clock wheel puzzle inside it.

Zeus Clock Wheel Puzzle

The clock inside the vault will display “Goddess of Night” when approached. 

The objective is simple– land on the desired symbol and lock the clock. 

Press the left arrow under the wheel. It will move the hand to the Purple Moon symbol. Now, press the red button in the middle. That’s it, you’re done.


Poseidon | Source: In-Game Screenshot

The Poseidon puzzles will take a while to complete thanks to its various components. 

Poseidon Trials

So, there are six pedestals inside the Poseidon trials room. You need to find six different types of fish for the pedestals. 

Here are all the fish you need and where they need to be placed:

Whale SharkLeftCenter
Great Hammerhead SharkLeftLeft
Icebeard SharkLeftRight
Ancient MegalodonRightCenter
Great White SharkRightLeft
Ginsu SharkRightRight

The Poseidon room will open after you finish the puzzle. You can find the Poseidon rod and wrath totem inside it.

Poseidon Clock Wheel Puzzle

Note: You can choose to do the clock wheel puzzle without completing the trials first.

The exact coordinates of the Poseidon clock wheel puzzle are -4299, -604, 1578. Use your GPS to reach the location. 

The clock will read “The King of Titan” when standing near it.

The symbol you are looking for is the Black Scythe symbol. Click on the right button under the clock to get it moving. Press it four times to land on the Black Scythe. Finally, press the red button to lock it.

Sunken Depths

Sunken Depths
Sunken Depths | Source: In-Game Screenshot

Make sure you have completed the previous trials to unlock this puzzle.

Sunken Depths Trials

This is a two-man puzzle. 

Have your friend stay outside near the shrine with the symbols. Meanwhile, you need to dive into the water. 

Find your way through the twisted maze until you reach a circle. Coordinate with your partner and match the symbols on the shrine to the ones of the circle. Once done, ask your friend to do the same for the shrine as well.

If done correctly, the door to the Sunken Depths will be opened.

Sunken Depths Clock Wheel Puzzle

The clock inside the Sunken Depths room will read “God of Music”.

Approach the clock. Select the left button under the wheel and press it five times until it lands on the Blue Hard symbol. Now, just press the red button to wrap up.

Ethereal Abyss

Etheral Abyss
Etheral Abyss | Source: In-Game Screenshot

This quest requires a companion so make sure your friend tags along. 

Ethereal Abyss Trials

One player should head to the left room while another enters the right one. The first player has to click the button as they appear on screen. The second person has to rotate the clock. Match the clock wheel to the highlighted symbols. 

When you are done, press the middle button. Repeat this process thrice to complete the puzzle.

Ethereal Abyss Clock Wheel Puzzle

Completing the trial will reveal a hidden passage towards the main room. Proceed until you come across a clock wheel. Stand near to find the message “Goddess of War”.

The puzzle is easy enough. Rotate the hand three times to the right. Select the Orange Helmet symbol. Press the red button to lock the wheel. 

Now, you can proceed to the final stage.


Kraken | Source: In-Game Screenshot

Kraken Trials

Note: You need to complete the first four clock puzzles without dying in between to unlock the Kraken clock puzzle.

There is no trial in this part as such. You just need to have finished the previous four clock wheel puzzles.

Begin by diving underwater near Atlantis. Look for a red door. You need to solve the Kraken clock wheel puzzle to unlock the red door. Remember, you must have solved all clock puzzles in order for the gate to open. 

Kraken Clock Wheel Puzzle

Once inside, stand in front of the giant Kraken clock wheel. When near it, the clock will display the inscription”God of the Underworld”. 

To solve the riddle, do the following in the given order:

  • Rotate the hand four times to the left.
  • Select the Red Spear symbol.
  • Press the red button on the middle to lock it.

The red door will open. You can now access the Kraken Pool. You will receive the Kraken Rod as a reward for completing the trial.

This concludes the Atlantis puzzles in Fisch. Good luck!

How to Get the Exalted Rod in Fisch Roblox? – Fisch Roblox Guide

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Roblox is a popular online game platform which lets players create their own games and play games made by other users. It is developed by Roblox Corporation and is available on Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Android, iOS, Fire OS, and Mac.


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