Supplies and Raw Materials are of utmost importance in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. They help in upgrading a settlement, which has a significant role in the game when Eivor reaches England. Finding Supplies and Raw Materials can get quite challenging as they are scattered across a wide map.
This guide will show you places where you can find some precious Raw Material and Supplies.
1. How to Get Supplies in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla?
To get your hand on Supplies in AC Valhalla, players will have the following choices:
- Looting monasteries across the Valhalla map
- Raiding settlements
- Looking for shiny gold icons on the map. Upon following the map, you will have to look for the chest, which would probably be hidden.
2. How to Get Raw Materials in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla?
Obtaining Raw Materials in AC Valhalla is a pretty straightforward process. All players have to do is to loot monasteries, which are marked by red axes icon.
Once you have reached a monastery, explore it to the fullest and find wealth chests that will help you attain Raw Materials.
3. Location of Every Cargo in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
i. Ledecestrescire Region (Level 20)
Alcestre Monastery: Here, you can find two cargoes while playing the campaign quest ‘Settling Down.’

Sudwella Monastery: Here, you can find three cargo boxes. To enter, shoot the oil jar and destroy the gate. Explore the monastery building to find all three chests.

ii. Grantebridgescire Region (Level 20)
Meldeburne Monastery: Raid the monastery in Meldeburne to obtain two cargoes brimming with Raw Material and Supplies.

Isle of Ely Monastery: Here, players can find two chests if they choose to raid the monastery.

iii. East Anglia Region (Level 55)
Beodoricsworth: A raid on Beodoricsworth should get you three chests full of Supplies and Raw Materials.

iv. Oxenefordscire Region (Level 90)
Saint Albanes Abbey: In buildings around Saint Albanes Abbey, players can find four cargoes to loot.

Evisham Abbey: Two chests filled with Supplies and Raw Materials can be found here.

v. Sciropescire Region (Level 130)
Wenlocan Abbey: Two cargoes can be found if you raid Wenlocan Abbey.

vi. Cent Region (Level 130)
Tonbridge Monastery: Four chests can be found in Tonbridge Monastery if you raid it.

Racalf Monastery: Raid Recalf Monastery to acquire four chests full of Raw Materials and Supplies.

vii. Lincolnscire Region (Level 160)
Medeshamstede Abbey: Three cargoes can be found in the monastery. You will have to defeat foes to obtain all the chests.

viii. Essexe Region (Level 160)
Sancta Maria Abbey: Found in Essexe, the monastery houses three chests.

ix. Suthsexe Region (Level 160)
Brimeclif Monastery: Four chests can be found in Brimeclif Monastery.

Cicestre Abbey: Raiding the Cicestre Abbey will help you come across four chests.

x. Eurviscire Region (Level 190)
Fiscartun: Here, three chests of Raw Materials and Supplies can be found.

Elmet Monastery: Looting the monastery will provide players with three cargoes.

Flaneburg Monastery: Three barrels can be found if players raid the monastery.

xi. Snotinghamscire Region (Level 250)
Wenloch Abbey: If you and your crew loot Wenloch Abbey, you will come across three cargoes.

xii. Hamtunscire Region (Level 340)
Runcwuda Abbey: Explore and the location to get your hands on five cargoes full of Supplies and Raw Materials.

Readingum Abbey: Raid the place to obtain five chests of Raw Materials and Supplies.

4. About Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Developed and Published by Ubisoft, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is the latest instalment in the Assasin’s Creed series launched in November 2020. The action-adventure, role-playing video game is available to play on Playstation 5/4, Xbox One/ Series X/S and PC.
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla takes players back to the Vikings’ glory days around the 9th century through the eyes of a Viking invader from Norway named Eivor. By playing as Eivor, gamers must represent the clan and help fellow warriors in the battle against Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms. The game brims with phenomenal main quests along with noteworthy side quests. AC Valhalla will also embrace many new features like dual-wielding of various weapons and armours.
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