As Eivor explores the world of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, players will encounter a cult called the Order of the Ancients. It’s only a matter of time before Eivor gets on their tail. While hunting down the Order of the Ancients in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, you need to hunt down and kill the Ash-Spear.
Among the 45 members of the Order of the Ancients, The Ash-Spear is the first member of the Wardens of Wealth, and you need to eliminate him if you want to unlock the Disorder of the Ancients trophy in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
Clue #1 Wuffa or The Lathe
Eivor can find the first clue to locate the ash-spear in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla by eliminating Wuffa (Zealot) or The Lathe (Warden of Wealth).

Wuffa can be found in East Anglia, patrolling the roads. Look near Thetford, between the synchronization point and the town.

The Lathe, another member of the Order, is a bit harder to find as you need to solve a different set of clues to get his position. You can skip these and head straight to him at the village of Buckingham in Oxenefordscire, if investigating clues are not your cup of tea.
After eliminating either one of them, the first clue will read, “Investigate the tall Roman tower north of Northwic in East Anglia.”, we need to find this tower.
Clue #2 Ruined Tower

Head to the ruined tower to the north of Norhwic in East Anglia, following the first clue’s direction. There is also a synchronization point precisely at this point. The second clue is on a wagon with some urns on it.

The clue will read, “Search the bandit camp found between Britannia’s Watch and Theotford Village in East Anglia.”. Time to head to the bandit camp.
Clue #3 Bandit Camp

The Final Clue is found at the bandit cam just Southeast of Britannia’s watch. Watch for the gold marked on your map. Kill all the guards, and the clue is in the open tent.

The last clue will tell you the identity of the ash-spear as well as his location in Theotford forest.
Eliminating the Ash-Spear

Gifle or the ash-spear is found in the Forest Hideout just west of Theotford Forest. You can go in using stealth or just all guns blazing, just don’t forget to confirm your kill. After eliminating the ash-spear, you will get a clue to identify The Crozier and The Lyre.

It does not matter if you have all the clues or not; you can directly go to the final location and kill the ash-spear.
Damn! No stores found :/
Damn! No stores found :/
About Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Developed and Published by Ubisoft, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is the latest instalment in the Assasin’s Creed series launched in November 2020. The action-adventure, role-playing video game is available to play on Playstation 5/4, Xbox One/ Series X/S and PC.
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla takes players back to the Vikings’ glory days around the 9th century through the eyes of a Viking invader from Norway named Eivor. By playing as Eivor, gamers must represent the clan and help fellow warriors in the battle against Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms. The game brims with phenomenal main quests along with noteworthy side quests. AC Valhalla will also embrace many new features like dual-wielding of various weapons and armours.
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